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-4 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />13.A1.4 Pedestrian circulation shall be accommodated on sidewalks built to a minimum <br />width of 5 feet and include decorative paving at crossings, landscaping/trees, and <br />lighting. <br />Complies. <br />14.A1.5 Pedestrian circulation shall comply with the dimensional standards set forth in <br />these Objective Design Standards: <br />Pedestrian circulation abutting Public Streets shall comply with the standards in <br />Section A3 <br />Pedestrian circulation abutting Internal Streets shall comply with the standards in <br />Section A4 <br />Pedestrian circulation abutting buildings shall comply with the standards in <br />Section A6 <br />Pedestrian circulation abutting parking lots shall comply with the standards in <br />Section A7 <br />See rows regarding sections <br />A3, A4, A6 and A7. <br />15.A1.6 75 percent of Internal Streets and Paseos shall provide connection to adjacent <br />streets and neighboring development and be publicly accessible, unless <br />demonstrated to be infeasible by the applicant. <br />Complies. No internal streets <br />or paseos provided. <br />16.A1.7 Where street connections to adjacent neighborhoods are infeasible due to <br />demonstrated topographic constraints, existing infrastructure, or jurisdictional <br />restrictions, pedestrian or bicycle connections shall be provided. <br />N/A <br />17.A1.8 Developments adjacent to City of Pleasanton trail system shall provide both public <br />and private access for pedestrians and bicyclists. <br />N/A <br />A1. Site Circulation –Design Guidelines (p. 14) <br />18.A1.a Development should be configured so Public Streets, Internal Streets and <br />pedestrian Paseos are used to assign addresses for the units and building <br />orientation. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />19.A1.b Development should anticipate future connections to adjacent parcels to provide <br />future connectivity. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />A2. Building Orientation –Design Standards (p. 15) <br />20.A2.2 For sites ranging from 3 to 7 acres, where each site dimension is no less than 400 <br />feet (see Diagram B): <br />a.Mid-block access shall be provided for each site dimension along Public <br />Streets, Paseos, and Open Spaces, in the way of pedestrian walkway, driveway, <br />Modify. Building breaks should <br />be acceptable when mid-block <br />access is infeasible, as will be <br />the case for high-density multi- <br />family projects such as the <br />Project. The standard stated