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<br /> <br />City of Pleasanton (0012384.00) 1 Woodard & Curran, Inc. <br />Stoneridge Residential Sewer Impact Study December 9, 2022 <br /> <br /> <br />TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Michael Stella, City of Pleasanton <br />PREPARED BY: Chris van Lienden, CA PE No. 75034 <br />REVIEWED BY: Gisa Ju, CA PE No. C31823 <br />DATE: December 9, 2022 <br />RE: Stoneridge Residential Sewer Impact Study <br /> <br />1. INTRODUCTION <br />The purpose of this Technical Memorandum is to analyze the capacity of sewers impacted by a proposed <br />development of a 6.0 acre property at 1008 Stoneridge Mall Road, which currently has parking for the <br />Stoneridge Mall at the proposed development location. The proposed development would include <br />approximately 360 multi-family residential units. The City of Petaluma (City) has requested that Woodard & <br />Curran perform a review of potential impacts of the proposed development on the City’s sewer syst em. A <br />description of the proposed development and the preliminary utility plan has been included in Appendix A. <br />The City has requested that Woodard & Curran perform a review of potential impacts of the proposed <br />development on the City’s sewer system. A description of the proposed development and the preliminary <br />utility plan has been included in Appendix A. <br />The City’s current sewer system model was developed in H2Omap Sewer as part of the City’s 2007 <br />Wastewater Master Plan. Existing flows for this model were based on water consumption data from billing <br />records in 2002 and 2003, and calibrated to flow monitoring data collected in February 2004. Future loads <br />were estimated based on an inventory of vacant and future annexation parcels with future la nd use <br />designations as provided by the City, and associated flow factors based on average data. The report <br />documents a dwelling unit equivalent flowrate of 220 gpd/unit. Alternative rates for multi-family parcels <br />were not identified. Based on review of the specific future developments identified in the 2007 Wastewater <br />Master Plan, parcels with a commercial land use had an assumed average flow factor of approximately 0.11 <br />gpd per square foot. While the report does include a list of proposed developments, clear documentation <br />of existing and future flows allocated to each parcel is not available. <br />In 2013, the model was converted to InfoSWMM, and the portion of the system tributary to East Amador <br />Trunk Sewer was recalibrated using dry weather flow monitoring data collected over a 2 week period from <br />April 25 to May 13, 2012, though the effort did not include updating the source loading data. <br />The City is currently in the process of developing an updated sewer model based on current water usage <br />data and land use projections. However, the model is still in development and not expected to be completed <br />until mid-2023. Therefore, the City’s current model (2013 model) was used for this evaluation, along with <br />the design storm and capacity criteria identified in that repor t. <br />