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<br /> December 2022 2 City of Pleasanton <br />Stoneridge Apartments Project Hydraulic Analysis <br /> <br />4.0 HYDRAULIC MODELING ANALYSIS <br />The hydraulic analysis utilized the calibrated hydraulic model to evaluate the proposed water system <br />infrastructure and recommend pipe sizes for average day demands (ADD), maximum day demands <br />(MDD), peak hour demands (PHD), and during MDD plus a 2,500 gpm fire flow for 2 hours <br />(MDD+FF). <br />Average Day Demand Evaluation: Under average day demands, the hydraulic model predicts the <br />Project will experience service pressures of approximately 53 psi as documented on Figure 1. <br />Maximum Day Demand Evaluation: Under maximum day demands, the hydraulic model predicts <br />the Project will experience service pressures of approximately 52 psi Figure 1. <br />Peak Hour Demand Evaluation: Under peak hour demands, the hydraulic model predicts the Project <br />will experience service pressures of approximately 50 psi as documented on Figure 1. <br />Maximum Day Demand plus Fire Flow Evaluation: The fire flow analysis consisted of using the <br />MDD in the hydraulic model and applying hypothetical fire flows. The analysis indicates the proposed <br />hydrant locations and pipelines are able to supply the 2,500 gpm fire flow at a pressure greater than <br />20 psi as documented on Figure 2. <br />Pipeline Velocities: The maximum pipeline velocities predicted during peak hour demands are also <br />documented on Figure 1. The proposed 12 and 16-inch mains for the project are under the pipeline <br />criteria of 10 fps with the maximum velocity predicted of approximately 3.7 fps. The existing system <br />pipelines experienced only a minimal increase in velocities and did not exceed the pipeline criteria. <br />5.0 STORAGE AND PUMPING INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS <br />Storage Impacts: The Stoneridge Apartments Project will increase the storage capacity requirements <br />in the Lower Pressure Zone by approximately 0.10 MG. <br />• Lower Pressure Zone: <br />o Operational Storage: 0.03 MG <br />o Emergency Storage: 0.07 MG <br />o Total Storage Impacts: 0.10 MG <br />Pump Station Impacts: The Stoneridge Apartments Project will not impact the pump stations. <br />6.0 ANALYSIS SUMMARY <br />The hydraulic analysis evaluated the proposed pipeline realignments to verify the distribution mains <br />and service pressures were within the City’s performance and design criteria.