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Lifetime Excess Cancer <br />Risk1 <br />PM2.5 <br />Concentration1 <br />(in a million)(µg/m3) <br />Existing Stationary Sources2 0.6 0.000 8.9E-04 <br />Potential Future Stationary Source3 10.0 0.003 8.0E-03 <br />Highway4 18.5 -- 0.30 <br />Major Streets4 0.23 -- 4.1E-03 <br />Nearby Roadways5 6.15 -- 1.2E-01 <br />Total 35 <0.01 0.44 <br />100 10 0.8 <br />Notes: <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />Abbreviations: <br />µg - microgram m3 - cubic meter <br />HI - hazard index PM2.5 - fine particulate matter <br />AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic <br />References: <br />Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). 2020. Permitted Sources Risk and Hazards Map. June. Available at: <br /> <br />Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). 2020. Health Risk Calculator Beta 4.0. March. Available at: <br /> <br />xlsx.xlsx?la=en&rev=dab7d85a772d45caa9c99e59395bf12d\ <br />Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), 2015. Roadway Screening Analysis Calculator, April 16 <br />BAAQMD, 2022. Email communication titled “FW: Public Records Number 2022-09-0151: Stationary Source Request” between Yu-Han <br />(Amy) Chen at Ramboll and Rochele Henderson at BAAQMD. October. <br />If the cell is marked with "--", no risk was calculated. For roadways, the chronic HI is not calculated in the BAAQMD screening tool. <br />Cancer risk and PM2.5 concentration values were determined using BAAQMD screening raster files for roadways and highways with <br />>30,000 AADT and are based on the maximum impact of a raster cell located on the identified sensitive receptors. <br />Because the potential future diesel generator would be on the parcel adjacent to the Project, the distance between the future diesel <br />generator and the Project was conservatively assumed to be zero. The BAAQMD Health Risk Calculator Beta 4.0 was used to calculate <br />chronic HI and PM2.5 concentrations, conservatively assuming the future generator would emit diesel particulate matter resulting in 10 <br />in a million cancer risk. <br />Cancer risk and PM2.5 concentration values were determined using BAAQMD roadway screening calculator based on the Alameda <br />County Transportation Commission 2020 AADT. <br />Table 1 <br />Cumulative Risks and Hazards <br />Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Pleasanton, CA <br />Receptor Type Source1 Noncancer Chronic <br />HI1 <br />On-Site Resident <br />BAAQMD's Health Risk Screening Threshold <br />Three existing stationary sources were included based on the BAAQMD's Stationary Source Screening Map.