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Arborist Report, Stoneridge Shopping Center, 1008 Stoneridge Mall Rd March 10, 2022 (updated 6/21/22) <br /> <br />Jennifer Tso, BCMA 15 <br /># Species DBH Height Heritage Health Structure Dripline <br />N E S W <br />Age DE CI Comments Recommendations <br />222 Blackwood <br />acacia <br />15.5 30 VP F 18 18 18 18 OM L Dying tree, center of tree dead and <br />remaining foliage extremely sparse. Some <br />regrowth in center. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />223 Blackwood <br />acacia <br />14 20 G F-P 6 20 18 0 M L Healthy canopy. Co-dominant leader tore out <br />at 15' above grade. Hydrant at 8' to NW. <br />Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />224 Callery pear 9 18 F F-P 8 8 8 8 M L Multiple stems at 7' above grade. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />225 Callery pear 7 18 F F-P 7 7 7 7 Y-M L Single mistletoe cluster. Slightly stunted <br />growth. Large scaffolds. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />226 Mulberry 13.5 15 F P 15 15 15 15 M L 2'x2' planter. Trunk flare buried, roots lifting <br />hardscape. <br />Closed cankers at 1' above grade. Many <br />crossing branches and epicormic shoots. <br />Most of growth slightly stunted. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />227 Callery pear 8 15 F-P F 8 8 8 8 Y-M L Stunted growth. 2 large scaffolds with good <br />spacing. Clear of construction. <br />Install temporary <br />protection fencing. <br />228 Callery pear 8 15 F-P F-P 7 7 7 7 Y-M X H Stunted growth, large scaffolds. In proposed <br />courtyard. <br />Remove. <br />229 Callery pear 7 15 F-P F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H Original leader died. Stunted growth. Large <br />scaffolds. In proposed building. <br />Remove. <br />230 Callery pear 6 10 F-P F 6 6 6 6 Y-M X H Stunted growth, large scaffolds. In proposed <br />building. <br />Remove. <br />231 Raywood ash 8.5 15 F/F-P F/F-P 10 10 10 10 Y-M X H S trunk partially sunburned. Crowded stems <br />between 7'-9' above grade. Stunted growth. <br />Roots lifting curb and asphalt. In proposed <br />building. <br />Remove. <br />232 Raywood ash 9 18 F/F-P F/F-P 15 10 10 10 Y-M X H Crowded stems at 7'. Narrow planter. <br />Stunted growth. In proposed building. <br />Remove. <br />233 Raywood ash 7.5 18 F-P F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H Stunted growth with dieback. Crowded <br />stems at 7' & 9' above grade. In proposed <br />building. <br />Remove. <br />234 Blackwood <br />acacia <br />21 28 X F F 18 15 18 18 M X H Chlorotic foliage, upper canopy sparse with <br />dead twigs. Large scaffolds, co-dominant <br />stems at 6' & 12' with large co-dominant <br />stem failure to W at 10' above grade. In <br />proposed building. <br />Remove. (heritage tree)