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Arborist Report, Stoneridge Shopping Center, 1008 Stoneridge Mall Rd March 10, 2022 (updated 6/21/22) <br /> <br />Jennifer Tso, BCMA 14 <br /># Species DBH Height Heritage Health Structure Dripline <br />N E S W <br />Age DE CI Comments Recommendations <br />209 Deodar cedar 31 45 X G F 20 20 20 20 M X H Two vertical stems originating about 15' <br />below top. In proposed pullout. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />210 Deodar cedar 25 45 X F F 20 10 20 20 M X H Sparse canopy. Upward orienting branches. <br />In proposed pullout. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />211 Raywood ash 8 20 P F-P 10 10 10 10 Y-M X H Stunted growth. Vertical stems at 7' above <br />grade with additional narrow angle <br />detachments below. In proposed grading. <br />Remove. <br />212 Raywood ash 7.5 20 F-P F-P 10 10 10 10 Y-M X H Stunted growth. Sunburn on W side of trunk. <br />Large vertical secondary branch at 3' above <br />grade with bark inclusion. In proposed <br />building. <br />Remove. <br />213 Raywood ash 12.5 25 F F-P 15 10 15 15 M X H Slightly stunted growth, significant <br />hardscape damage. Multiple stems between <br />8'-10' above grade. Girdling roots. Multiple <br />branches broke off on E side of tree. <br />Strongly elliptical trunk. In proposed building. <br />Remove. <br />214 Callery pear 10 20 F P 12 12 12 12 M X H 2'x2' planter. Slightly stunted growth. <br />Multiple stems between 6'-7' with strong <br />shoot growth. In proposed building. <br />Remove. <br />215 Callery pear 7 15 F-P F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H Stunted growth. Multiple large scaffolds <br />along trunk. In proposed courtyard. <br />Remove. <br />216 Callery pear 7.5 15 F-P F-P 8 8 8 2 Y-M X H Secondary branches tore off on W side. <br />Root mass fills majority of planter. In <br />proposed courtyard. <br />Remove. <br />217 Chinese <br />pistache <br />9.5 20 G-F F 15 15 15 15 M X H Slightly stunted growth. Trunk too deep. In <br />proposed drive aisle. <br />Remove. <br />218 Callery pear 8 20 F-P F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M L Stunted growth. Significant lift of curb. <br />Multiple stems at 5.5' above grade. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />219 Callery pear 8 25 F F-P 10 10 10 10 Y-M L Some parts of canopy slightly stunted. <br />Multiple stems at 5.5' with wide attachment. <br />Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />220 Mulberry 9.5 20 F-P F 10 10 10 10 M L Declining; stunted growth with extremely <br />vigorous sprouts. Entire S side of trunk <br />sunburned with large swollen canker at 1' <br />above grade. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />221 Callery pear 7 20 F F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M L Suckers at base. Multiple crowded stems at <br />7'. Slightly stunted growth. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None.