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-19 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />B7. Form, Proportion, and Scale –Design Standards (p. 39) <br />139.B7.1 Buildings shall provide a Significant Architectural Element when located: <br />a.At the corner of two Public Streets <br />b.At any terminus of a paseo connecting to adjacent properties. <br />c.At the terminus of a viewshed extending greater than one block beyond <br />the limits of the project. <br />Complies. <br />B8. Building Signage –Design Standards (p. 40) <br />140.B8.1 Exterior building signage shall consist of individually formed lettering or a <br />projecting sign. Box signs shall be prohibited. <br />Complies. Signage package to <br />be completed at a later date. <br />141.B8.2 Interior signage shall not obstruct more than 20 percent of window area. Complies. Signage package to <br />be completed at a later date. <br />142.B8.3 Backlit signs shall be prohibited. Illuminated signage shall be achieved through <br />external “spotlight” illumination or integrated “halo” illumination. <br />Complies.Signage package to <br />be completed at a later date. <br />B8. Building Signage –Design Guidelines (p. 41) <br />143.B8.a Signage should incorporate an artistic design element relating to the proposed <br />development aesthetic. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />144.B8.b Signage should have design features consistent with the buildings in the <br />development and should be integrated into the site development and landscaping <br />or the building architecture. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />145.B8.c Attractive signage directories are encouraged to help provide way finding within <br />the development. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />B9. Compatibility with Surrounding Development –Development Guidelines (p. 41) <br />146.While the density restrictions and Design Standards on the sites ensure a <br />baseline compatibility with surrounding development, the City of Pleasanton <br />desires new development is compatible with directly adjacent residential <br />neighborhoods and surrounding non-residential buildings. The following strategies <br />may be used to increase compatibility between proposed development and <br />existing built form. <br />a.Providing setbacks that match adjacent properties. <br />b.Providing enhanced landscaping including a variety of trees and shrubs. <br />c.Including an increased setback for floors above the adjacent lower height <br />residential developments to reduce visual perception of height. <br />Non-Objective Guideline.