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Resolution No. PC-2023-06 <br />Page Twelve <br /> <br /> <br />emissions would exceed the applicable thresholds, Additional Construction Mitigation Measures <br />(BAAQMD, May 2011) shall be instituted. The air quality construction plan shall be included on all <br />grading, utility, building, landscaping, and improvement plans during all phases of construction. <br /> <br />MM 4.B-4. On project sites where screening thresholds are exceeded, the following measures <br />shall be implemented for development on all the potential sites for rezoning to reduce exposure to <br />TACs and improve indoor and outdoor air quality: <br />a. Indoor Air Quality. In accordance with the recommendations of BAAQMD, appropriate <br />measures shall be incorporated into site and/or building design to reduce the potential <br />health risk due to exposure of sensitive receptors to TACs to a less than significant <br />level. <br />b. Project applicants shall retain a qualified air quality consultant to prepare a Health <br />Risk Assessment (HRA) in accordance with the BAAQMD requirements to determine <br />the exposure of project residents/occupants/users to air pollutants prior to PUD <br />approval. The HRA shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for <br />review and approval. The applicant shall implement the approved HRA mitigation <br />measure recommendations, if any, to reduce exposure to TACs below BAAQMDs <br />threshold of significance at the time of project approval. <br />c. Outdoor Air Quality. To the maximum extent practicable, individual, and common <br />exterior open space, including playgrounds, patios, and decks, shall either be shielded <br />from the source of air pollution by buildings or otherwise buffered to further reduce air <br />pollution for project occupants. <br /> <br />MM 4.B-5. If odor complaints associated with the solid waste transfer station operations are <br />received from future residences of the potential sites for rezoning (Sites 6, 8, 11, and 14), the City <br />shall work with the transfer station owner(s) and operator(s) to ensure that odors are minimized <br />appropriately. <br /> <br />MM 4.C-1a. Pre-construction Breeding Bird Surveys. The City shall ensure that prior to <br />development of all potential sites for rezoning (Sites 1-4, 6-11, 13, 14, and 16-21) and each <br />phase of project activities that have the potential to result in impacts on breeding birds, the project <br />applicant shall take the following steps to avoid direct losses of nests, eggs, and nestlings and <br />indirect impacts to avian breeding success: <br />a. If grading or construction activities occur only during the nonbreeding season, <br />between August 31 and February 1, no surveys will be required. <br />b. Pruning and removal of trees and other vegetation, including grading of grasslands, <br />should occur whenever feasible, outside the breeding season (February 1 through <br />August 31). <br />c. During the breeding bird season (February 1 through August 31) a qualified Biologist <br />will survey activity sites for nesting raptors and passerine birds not more than 14 days <br />prior to any ground-disturbing activity or vegetation removal. Surveys will include all <br />line-of-sight trees within approximately 500 feet (for raptors) and all vegetation <br />(including bare ground) within approximately 250 feet for all other species. <br />d. Based on the results of the surveys, avoidance procedures will be adopted, if <br />necessary, on a case-by-case basis. These may include construction buffer areas (up <br />to several hundred feet in the case of raptors) or seasonal avoidance. <br />e. Bird nests initiated during construction are presumed to be unaffected, and no buffer <br />would be necessary except to avoid direct destruction of a nest or mortality of <br />nestlings. <br />f. If pre-construction surveys indicate that nests are inactive or potential habitat is <br />unoccupied during the construction period, no further mitigation is required. Trees and