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Resolution No. PC-2023-06 <br />Page Ten <br /> <br /> <br />location or locations visible to residents. The property owner shall continue to provide this benefit <br />for each unit for a period of 15 years each time a unit is leased or rented by new residents, <br />starting at the date of certificate of occupancy. <br /> <br />Construction Practices and Noticing <br /> <br />25. WORK HOURS: All demolition and construction activities, inspections, plan checking, material <br />delivery, staff assignment or coordination, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., <br />Monday through Saturday. No construction shall be allowed on State or Federal Holidays or <br />Sundays. The Director of Community Development may allow earlier “start times” or later “stop <br />times” for specific construction activities, e.g., concrete pouring. All construction equipment shall <br />meet Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) noise standards and shall be equipped with muffling <br />devices. Prior to construction, the hours of construction shall be posted on site. <br /> <br />26. CONSTRUCTION PARKING: Campers, trailers, motor homes, or any other similar vehicle are <br />not allowed on the construction site except when needed as sleeping quarters for a security <br />guard subject to receipt of a temporary conditional use permit (per PMC 18.116.010.E). <br /> <br />27. CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS: A construction trailer shall be allowed to be placed on the project <br />site for daily administration/coordination purposes during the construction period. <br /> <br />28. CONSTRUCTION AND PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN: The applicant shall prepare a <br />construction and parking management plan to address impacts and parking demands during the <br />construction phase of the project. The construction and parking management plan shall be <br />subject to review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and Director of Community <br />Development prior to issuance of a demolition permit, or the first building permit, whichever <br />comes first. The following items shall be incorporated into the construction and parking <br />management plan: <br />a. Show truck route for construction and delivery trucks that does not include neighborhood <br />residential streets, unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer; <br />b. Show construction vehicles and equipment parking area, materials storage, temporary <br />fencing, construction trailer location, and construction contractors/workers parking area. <br />c. Sidewalk closure or narrowing is not allowed during on-site construction activities without <br />prior approval by the City. <br /> <br />29. PORTABLE TOILETS: Portable toilets used during construction shall be kept on the project site <br />and as far as possible from existing residences and shall be emptied to prevent odor. <br /> <br />30. EXCESS SOIL AND SOIL STOCKPILING: All excess soil from the site shall be off-hauled from <br />the site and disposed of in a lawful manner. No temporary stockpiling of dirt on this site shall <br />occur without specific review and approval by the Director of Community Development. <br /> <br />31. NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION: Prior to construction, the applicant shall notify neighbors within <br />300-feet of the project site of the construction schedule in writing. Such notice shall include <br />contact names and numbers for property owner, agent or contractor. <br /> <br />32. DISTURBANCE COORDINATOR: The applicant shall designate a “disturbance coordinator” who <br />shall be responsible for responding to any complaints regarding construction noise, dust, <br />construction parking, etc. The coordinator (who may be an employee of the general contractor) <br />shall determine the cause of the complaint and shall require the implementation of reasonable <br />measures warranted to correct the problem. A telephone number of the disturbance coordinator