Question 2: Open space is key to connecting with the existing mall. What features will help activate that space?
<br /> Active e — .....-_.,.. _
<br /> Grocery At ........,. - R."4"den Wayside Park
<br /> outdoor and iayckus Open space is key to DeLucchi Park t ICE Havea vane or areas
<br /> exercisingstore + '' ,,,, greenery , Bankhead and the way wimmthesa e,ar er
<br /> beforepre- s
<br /> _ connecting with the existing ,g lig
<br /> .� those events open space that offer
<br /> nr seatingtook y in- - k mall. '-�i specialized breakout areas
<br /> • a over 3 days in used to be of amenities such ase kids
<br /> V— Livermore conducted area.entertainment area,
<br /> advance ate.
<br /> ti .•a, What features will help activate JrE ate
<br /> that space? """''!"'"' '` hat space?
<br /> Developments All open spaces
<br /> should have a should congregate
<br /> synergy between • filter pedestrian
<br /> VI ` the parking and , traffic to a center I
<br /> '' ' pedestrian core open ■
<br /> ■ s ace/town center
<br /> 7 �'L- , ' • connectivity area.
<br /> P y '
<br /> ,! I a open space area. area
<br /> Ir.'
<br /> r 5 *V,_•4,44 ' P: 410' � 4,.
<br /> v .i .."„t, w ; ;
<br /> 11111,
<br /> �R
<br /> Ati 41,
<br /> • `a I �
<br /> ia'a''� --�...�a
<br /> •s soften the mall facades,needs a Open space is key to e. ,� �. Open space is key to
<br /> makeover,connectivity between connecting with the existing „'„ �`r °° ? k , are- connecting with the existing
<br /> £ people from pedestrian-focused --....4..,,,i, w k T ,'F a.
<br /> ..- areas,connection between mall' .< • T ,�� mall.
<br /> indoor and outdoor spaces+ • ck e sc l n
<br /> M
<br /> hat features will help activate '- s 01 ., What features will help activate
<br /> ground-floor hat x
<br /> dining+ r water features for space. , ,...-f.lowt Efficr v that space? Large
<br /> "'i.-, ,,'."�:.' Pathways �a. Plazas iii
<br /> "za children+,bishop \--`i.;..:47:',,,..--'''' i' _,�. ,tiy.
<br /> ranch example
<br /> --+ �I _ Public
<br /> t• outdoor seating,dining+, l AIL ,r„ „� 1 �,,t,,t,,
<br /> cafes,european feel,open up t• it/�
<br /> the mall to become more of a outdoor artwork,landmark, Ove rh a n sI is/' Mix Uses .
<br /> shopping town,cobblestoneplaces for g on ground ,
<br /> selfie spots,focal points that level
<br /> • street example+ give character to the space+, people-watching ''.q shelter for rain -•a;,
<br /> . ' unique iconic elements ‘a '
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