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DRAFT <br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 46 <br />Improvement Program (CIP) and make affirmative changes by next CIP adoption (August <br />2023) <br />• Funding Source: Capital Improvement Program Budget, Sewer Enterprise Fund, Housing <br />Grants, Planning Division Budget <br />• Quantified Objective: Implement seven identified projects during the planning period <br /> <br />Program 4.5 <br />The City will take action to ensure adequate water supply to serve the needs of existing and future <br />residents resulting from the additional housing capacity described in this Housing Element. As <br />stated in Appendix C (Housing Constraints), potential options include: <br />1. Implementation of the PFAS and Groundwater Wells Rehabilitation Project, which <br />includes constructing new a new treatment facility for groundwater from City wells, as <br />well as rehabilitating existing wells. <br />2. Drilling of new City wells with or without PFAS treatment, depending on the location of <br />the wells. This would require test drilling and groundwater sampling. <br />3. Developing an agreement with the Zone 7 Water Agency to provide 100 percent of all <br />water supply, both in the near term and in the future. <br />4. Purchasing water supply from outside Zone 7. <br />• Responsible Agency: Operation Services Department, Planning Division <br />• Time Period: Complete study of alternatives: October 2023. Implementation of selected <br />project alternative: December 2025. <br />• Funding Source: Grant Funding, General Fund, and other sources as appropriate <br /> <br />Program 4.6 <br />The City allows for parking reductions in certain circumstances, and state law establishes no <br />minimum parking requirement or highly reduced parking rates for qualifying projects (e.g., state <br />density bonus law, SB 35, AB 2097, etc.). To further reduce the impacts of parking requirements <br />on the production of housing, the City will assess and update multi-family parking standards <br />citywide to establish lower rates for studios and one-bedroom units and reduce the covered <br />parking requirement (i.e., not require covered parking for studio and one-bedroom units). <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division <br />• Time Period: June 2024 <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget <br />