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DRAFT <br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 16 <br />Section 2 Projected Housing Need <br />2.A Introduction/Overview of ABAG Methodology <br />State Housing Element law (Government Code §65580 et. seq.) requires regional councils of <br />governments to identify for each member jurisdiction its "fair share allocation" of the Regional <br />Housing Needs Determination (RHND) provided by the California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD). In turn, each city and county must demonstrate the capacity to <br />accommodate their local share of regional housing needs in the community’s Housing Element. <br />Each jurisdiction’s responsibility for meeting the overall regional housing need is established as <br />a Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). <br />The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the council of governments for the San <br />Francisco Bay Area, adopted its final 6th Cycle RHNA allocation methodology in December 2021, <br />and the Final Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan was approved on January 12, 2022. ABAG <br />considered several factors in preparing the methodology, which weighed both projected and <br />existing need. The RHND was projected by the State based on a number of factors including <br />demographic projections, and other inputs driving housing demand such as a target housing <br />vacancy rate, the rate of overcrowding, and the share of cost-burdened households household <br />growth, future vacancy need, and replacement need. The RHNA also considered projected <br />regional growth, as well as adjustments to distribution of new housing need based on transit <br />accessibility and job accessibility 2. The distribution of the RHNA across the four income categories <br />also factored in a “social equity adjustment”, which allocated a lower proportion of lower-income <br />RHNA to jurisdictions that already had a high concentration of such households in comparison to <br />the County, as well as the goal to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH); this adjusted the <br />distribution of RHNA in jurisdictions considered either very low or very high resource areas. <br />According to Appendix 6 of ABAG’s Draft RHNA Plan, Pleasanton had a net zero change in RHNA <br />on account of the equity adjustment. <br />The technical methodology used to develop both the RHND, and the RHNA, is described in more <br />detail in the ABAG Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan. <br />2.B Alameda County Income Limits <br />The projected housing needs are broken down by income category based on definitions in the <br />California Health and Safety Code (§50079.5). HCD calculates “acutely low”, “extremely low”, <br />“very low”, “low”, “median”, “moderate”, and “above moderate” income limits, and publishes these <br /> <br /> <br />2 For more information, please see ABAG’s Final Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Plan: San <br />Francisco Bay Area, 2023-2031 at <br />12/Final_RHNA_Allocation_Report_2023-2031-approved_0.pdf.