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DRAFT <br />11 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />• Greenbelt Alliance <br />• Pleasanton Unified School District <br />• East Bay for Everyone <br />• Open Heart Kitchen <br />Following the stakeholder meetings, the City worked with community members and <br />representatives to determine the most effective outreach to all economic segments of the <br />community, including those underrepresented, underserved, and disproportionately impacted by <br />housing issues. This additional outreach included additional meetings with the following groups <br />that provide services to or represent groups that are traditionally considered underrepresented, <br />underserved, and disproportionately impacted by housing issues: <br />• Association of Pleasanton Teachers Leadership Group: February 2, 2022 <br />• Pastors of two local churches who offer community food pantry, laundry services and <br />other support services: February 3, 2022 <br />• Staff from La Familia, an assistance organization for the Latinx community: February 3, <br />2022 <br />• Pleasanton Restaurant Association: February 4, 2022 <br />• Muslim Community Center – East Bay: April 15, 2022 <br />• Restaurant staff: April 20, 2022 <br />• Outreach at Dia Del Nino: April 30, 2022 <br />The City also offered a supplemental survey gather input and comments from these target <br />populations including digitally, via mail, and in-person. A summary of the outreach methodology <br />and survey results is provided in Appendix F. Feedback from this survey and outreach is <br />integrated into the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing analysis (Appendix F). <br />Key Themes Engagement Themes <br />Key themes throughout the public process are presented below. Please see Appendix E for <br />comprehensive summaries from the community meetings, the stakeholder group meetings, and <br />the community survey: <br />• Limited housing choices is resulting in high housing costs and limited opportunities for <br />upward mobility (i.e., rental costs are so high that it limits someone’s ability to save enough <br />money to buy a home in Pleasanton). People are moving out of the city because housing <br />is too expensive in Pleasanton. <br />• Not enough inventory for those making 120 percent of the Area Median (Above Moderate) <br />Income. <br />• Pleasanton is largely built out compared to neighboring communities, and the limited land <br />that is available is not designated for housing.