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<br />17 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />(1) A housing element or housing element amendment prepared pursuant to subdivision <br />(e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02, when a city, county, or city and county <br />submits a draft to the department for review pursuant to Section 65585 more than 90 <br />days after the effective date of the amendment to this section. <br /> <br />(2) Any housing element or housing element amendment prepared pursuant to <br />subdivision (e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02, when the city, county, or city and <br />county fails to submit the first draft to the department before the due date specified in <br />Section 65588 or 65584.02. <br /> <br />(f) – (j): Not applicable Not applicable <br />Section 65583.1(a) <br />(a) The Department of Housing and Community Development, in evaluating a proposed <br />or adopted housing element for substantial compliance with this article, … may also <br />allow a city or county to identify sites for accessory dwelling units based on the number <br />of accessory dwelling units developed in the prior housing element planning period <br />whether or not the units are permitted by right, the need for these units in the community, <br />the resources or incentives available for their development, and any other relevant <br />factors, as determined by the department. <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.2.1: Accessory <br />Dwelling Units <br />(b) Sites that contain permanent housing units located on a military base undergoing <br />closure or conversion as a result of action pursuant to the Defense Authorization <br />Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act (Public Law 100-526), the Defense <br />Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-510), or any subsequent act <br />requiring the closure or conversion of a military base may be identified as an adequate <br />site if the housing element demonstrates that the housing units will be available for <br />occupancy by households within the planning period of the element. No sites containing <br />housing units scheduled or planned for demolition or conversion to nonresidential uses <br />shall qualify as an adequate site. <br />Not applicable <br />Section 65583.2 <br />(a) A city’s or county’s inventory of land suitable for residential development pursuant to <br />paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 65583 shall be used to identify sites <br />throughout the community, consistent with paragraph (10) of subdivision (c) of Section <br />65583, <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3: Adequacy of <br />Residential Sites in Meeting <br />RHNA