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<br />Housing Constraints City of Pleasanton | C-15 <br />Multi-Family <br />Multi-family dwellings are permitted in the RM district and C-C zoned properties that meet the site <br />development standards described in Table C-3. Multi-family housing is also allowed as a <br />permitted use on properties zoned PUD-MU provided the minimum and maximum densities along <br />with other standards included in the applicable design standards and guidelines are adhered to. <br />Developments, including multi-family dwellings, within MU-T and MU-D zoning districts are <br />required to be reviewed and approved through the planned unit development (PUD) process. The <br />MU-T and MU-D zoning districts were recently adopted through the Downtown Specific Plan effort <br />(August 2019) and were the result of a task force-led discussion about the long-term vision for <br />the current Civic Center site 1 and the areas along Old Bernal Avenue and the east side of Peters <br />Avenue. Additionally, the new land use designations also created vertical consistency between <br />the General Plan, Specific Plan, and Zoning since there were previously numerous <br />inconsistencies. The PUD process is discussed under Section C.2.4 (Permits and Procedures). <br />Mobile Home Parks <br />Chapter 18.108 (Trailers and Trailer Parks) provides supplemental standards for the <br />establishment, maintenance, and operation of mobile home and trailer parks in Pleasanton. <br />Development standards applicable to mobile home and trailer parks include: <br />• Minimum site area of five acres <br />• Minimum 4,000 square feet of site area for each trailer space <br />• Usable open space required consistent with the zoning district <br />• Landscaping required consistent with the Zoning Ordinance <br />A preexisting mobile home or trailer park would not be deemed nonconforming if the minimum <br />site area requirements are not met, allowing existing mobile home parks to make improvements <br />and continue operations without triggering additional requirements that may be financially <br />burdensome. These standards do not pose a constraint to the development of mobile homes in <br />Pleasanton. <br />Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior ADUs <br />Zoning Ordinance Chapter 18.106 (Accessory and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units) provides <br />supplemental standards for new ADUs, converted ADUs, and Junior ADUs. These standards <br />were adopted in March 2021 to reflect current state law. The City prohibits the use of ADUs as <br />short-term rentals and as indicated in state law, requires a rental period greater than 30 days. A <br />restrictive covenant is required to be recorded against a lot containing an ADU to address the <br />restrictions and regulations established in Chapter 18.106 and participation in the City’s <br /> <br /> <br />1 Moving the existing civic center site to the Bernal property would require voter approval.