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Megan Campbell <br />December 5, 2022 <br />Page 5 <br />SEIP-58196\2713340.1 <br />3.The Kiewit Project Would Incorporate Robust Project-Specific, Feasible <br />VMT Reduction Measures. <br />The DEIR concludes that development consistent with the HEU would result in <br />significant and unavoidable individual and cumulative VMT impacts; this makes <br />sense given the relatively suburban nature and location of Pleasanton. Based on <br />this conclusion, the DEIR studied Alternative Two, which would eliminate numerous <br />rezone sites (including the Kiewit Site) that are not concentrated around transit <br />centers. However, the DEIR also notes that as a programmatic level DEIR, it lacks <br />the project-specific information necessary to measure the effectiveness of project- <br />specific VMT reduction measures that could reduce the HEU’s VMT impacts.(See <br />DEIR, at 3.14-23, 24.)7 <br />For the Kiewit Site, Seefried would incorporate several meaningful VMT reduction <br />measures that would substantially reduce project level VMT impacts. <br />Understanding the importance of reducing VMT, as feasible,Seefried’s <br />development team is diligently working to consider and incorporate substantial VMT <br />reduction measures. It is anticipated these measures would include a robust multi- <br />modal transportation system, with an extension of the Iron Horse Trail and a <br />network of sidewalks and bike lanes, for the benefit of Kiewit Project residents as <br />well as the broader community. The Kiewit Project also envisions encouraging <br />other transportation demand management strategies, such as facilitating rideshare <br />opportunities, providing information to residents regarding public transit options, and <br />providing a neighborhood liaison to help effectively connect residents to public <br />transportation opportunities. <br />8 Additionally, the largest typical contributor to VMT per <br />household for projects in this type of locational setting tends to be commute traffic. <br />9 <br />The Kiewit Project would include mostly single-family detached homes that would <br />have an option for a dedicated home office; it is anticipated that this type of <br />thoughtful home design would markedly decrease commuting in a post-COVID <br />environment. <br />7 Mitigation Measure (MM) Trans-2 requires individual housing project development <br />proposals that do not screen out from a VMT impact analysis to provide a quantitative VMT <br />analysis. If this analysis indicates the project is above thresholds of significance, such <br />projects must include VMT reduction measures. <br />8 The Kiewit Project is also anticipated to incorporate critical infrastructure improvements <br />including an extension of Boulder Street and widening of Busch Road. <br />9 For example, the Bay Area Economic Council recently published the results of an <br />Employer Poll of 185 large employers, and, over the last 12 months, the results show these <br />employers expect approximately 25 percent of their respective workforce to be permanently <br />remote with only approximately 30 percent expected to return to the office for four or more <br />days per week. (Bay Area Council Economic Institute, Employer Network: Return to Transit <br />Tracking Poll, September 2022.) <br />6(()5,(' <br />3DJHRI <br />