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Megan Campbell <br />December 5, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />SEIP-58196\2713340.1 <br />integrated into a broader community.This community would also include <br />thoughtfully laid out single-family homes reflecting appropriate levels of diversity in <br />housing type, while considering the need to be compatible with existing residential <br />communities and neighborhood character. <br />By clarifying and amplifying the HEU DEIR Project Description through the <br />delineation of specific and discrete (i.e., non-overlapping) General Plan land use <br />designations for each rezone site (or portions thereof), this would help to ensure the <br />DEIR reflects an accurate, stable, and consistent project description —as required <br />by CEQA. In so doing, it would also facilitate the City’s ability to satisfy <br />requirements under State Housing Element Law for a compliant Housing Element.5 <br />2.The Kiewit Site is Crucial for the City to Meet HEU Project Objectives. <br />Unlike many of the other rezone sites, development of the Kiewit Site in the manner <br />contemplated by Seefried is not anticipated to trigger a significant amount of <br />controversy due to its long consideration as a potential residential development and <br />relative lack of sensitive uses surrounding it. The Kiewit Project reflects a location <br />and development proposal that can realistically be implemented and thus result in <br />several hundred new units (both market-rate and affordable) in the very near term. <br />The Kiewit Site is therefore crucially important for the City to meet the HEU’s <br />primary project objectives, which include: <br />x Meet the City’s fair share of regional housing need to accommodate <br />projected population growth and meet existing housing needs within the City. <br />x Ensure capacity for development of new housing to meet the RHNA at all <br />income levels. <br />x Encourage housing development where supported by existing or planned <br />infrastructure while maintaining existing neighborhood character. <br />x Encourage, develop, and maintain programs and policies to meet existing <br />projected affordable housing needs…. <br />x Provide new housing communities with substantial amenities to provide a <br />high quality of life for residents. <br />x Adopt a housing element that complies with California Housing Element Law <br />and can be certified by the State Department of Housing and Community <br />Development (“HCD”). <br />5 See, e.g., HCD’s November 14, 2022 letter to the City wherein it requested more detail <br />regarding characteristics of anticipated development (including methods to facilitate <br />appropriately sized sites that encourage affordable housing) on larger sites. <br />6(()5,(' <br />3DJHRI <br /> <br />&217 <br />