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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Responses to Written Comments <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 2-71 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec02-00 Responses to Written Comments_TRACKS.docx <br />The comment does not specifically address the adequacy of the Draft Program EIR or identify any <br />potentially significant adverse environmental impacts. The comment is noted and will be provided to <br />City decision-makers. <br />Response to MACYS-4 <br />The commenter asserts that the Draft Program EIR should include feasible mitigation measures and <br />alternatives to reduce significant environmental impacts associated with the significant and <br />unavoidable project level and cumulative water supply impact. <br />Section 3.15, Utilities and Service Systems, discusses several alternatives to the City’s current <br />groundwater supply to address the water supply deficiency, including the following: <br />• The Groundwater Wells Rehabilitation Project (currently paused). <br />• Drilling of new City wells with or without PFAS treatment, depending on the location of the <br />wells. This option would require test drilling and groundwater sampling. <br />• Discussion between Zone 7 and the City have taken place with the option of Zone 7 providing <br />100 percent of all water supply. <br />• Consideration of purchasing water supply from outside Zone 7. <br /> <br />On October 18, 2022, the Pleasanton City Council authorized a professional services contract to <br />evaluate water supply alternatives, including the options listed above, with the goal of completing <br />the Study by mid-late 2023. Despite this progress, it is too early in the review process to identify any <br />specific alternative at this time and any attempt to do so would be entirely speculative. Because <br />none of these options have been finalized, the Draft Program EIR appropriately identified a <br />significant and unavoidable impact. <br />With respect to mitigation measures, while no feasible mitigation is identified, the Draft Program EIR <br />does include a discussion of conservation and water demand reduction strategies. On page 3.15-38, <br />the Draft Program EIR notes that future development facilitated by the Housing Element Update <br />would be built using new building standards for water efficiency and would be designed to use less <br />water than existing development. In addition, the Draft Program EIR includes a discussion of goals <br />and policies in the General Plan and Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2.0 that would conserve water: <br />Chapter 8, Water Element, of the General Plan Goal 1, “preserve and protect water <br />resources and supply for long-term sustainability,” includes Policy 1 that ensures <br />sustainability by promoting the conservation of water resources. Goal 4 is to provide <br />sufficient water supply and promote water safety and security and includes policies <br />to ensure an adequate water system and a high-quality water supply for existing and <br />future development as well as to maintain an adequate reserve of water in storage <br />facilities. The CAP 2.0 also includes Strategy WR-1, which focuses on the <br />prioritization of a sustainable, healthful water supply and storage. Finally, the Water <br />Element includes policies and goals to ensure that the provision of water to supply <br />development consistent with the Housing Element Update does not result in <br />environmental effects. Policy 3 includes several programs to protect the quality and