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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 5 <br />C:\Users\mramirez\ADEC Solutions USA, Inc\Publications Site - Documents\Publications\Client (PN-JN)\2148\21480022\MMRP\21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element Update MMRP.docx <br />Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification <br />Responsible for <br />Verification <br />Verification of Completion <br />Date Initial <br />recorded Conditions Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) <br />that shall be recorded, and the manual shall be distributed <br />to building maintenance staff; the other manual shall be <br />written for homeowners with operating instructions and <br />maintenance and replacement schedule for the HVAC <br />system and filters, and that manual shall be distributed to <br />owners. <br />Project applicants shall retain a qualified air quality consultant <br />to prepare a health risk assessment (HRA) in accordance with <br />BAAQMD requirements to determine the exposure of project <br />residents/occupants/users to air pollutants prior to issuance of <br />a grading permit, or issuance of a building permit, whichever is <br />sooner. The HRA shall be submitted to the Community <br />Development Department for review and approval. <br />For individual projects, the HRA shall be completed and <br />identified recommendations in order to reduce exposure to <br />TACs below BAAQMD thresholds of significance, if any, in the <br />HRA shall be incorporated into design and construction <br />documents as Conditions of Approval prior to issuance of <br />grading or building permit, whichever is sooner. <br />Outdoor Air Quality–Individual and common exterior open <br />space, including playgrounds, patios, and decks, shall either be <br />shielded from the source of air pollution by buildings or <br />otherwise buffered to further reduce air pollution for project <br />occupants. <br />Section 3.3—Biological Resources <br />MM BIO-1: Biological Resource Assessment <br />Prior to the approval of any site-specific entitlement, <br />applicants or sponsors of projects on sites where potential <br />special-status species, migratory birds, or nesting birds are <br />determined to be present by a qualified Biologist, then the <br />applicants or sponsors of projects shall retain a qualified <br />Qualified Biologist and/or <br />Wetland Regulatory <br />Specialist pre- <br />construction survey <br />results and submittal of <br />survey documents to the <br />Prior to approval of <br />any site-specific <br />entitlement; ongoing <br />during construction <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Community <br />Development <br />Department, <br />Planning Division; <br />