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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 121 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Another type of alternative to be considered includes consideration of what could reasonably be <br />expected in the foreseeable future if the project is not approved, based on current land use <br />plans/designations/zoning and consistent with available infrastructure and community services. The <br />significant impacts of the proposed Housing Element Update are related to the residential <br />development needed to meet identified objectives, both for the provision of housing to meet the <br />needs of all economic segments of the community and to reduce VMT by improving the City’s <br />jobs/housing balance. Thus, project alternatives, except the required No Project Alternative, <br />represent various ways of increasing local housing opportunities compared with existing conditions. <br />The RHNA requires accommodation of 5,965 total housing units in the 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing <br />Element Cycle. <br />No Project Alternative <br />Under the No Project Alternative, the Housing Element would not be updated with new policies and <br />no zoning or land use designation changes would occur. Future development would be in accordance <br />with the current land use and zoning maps identified in the City of Pleasanton General Plan. The <br />existing Housing Element (2051-2023) plans for an increase of approximately 10,800 new residents <br />and an addition of 3,243 housing units. Under this alternative, the current goals, policies, and zoning <br />would remain in place. <br />Based on the discussion in the Program EIR and all other evidence before it, the City finds that the <br />No Project Alternative does not meet the City’s fair share of the regional housing need to <br />accommodate projected population growth and meet existing housing needs within the City. Nor <br />does this alternative ensure capacity for development of new housing to meet the RHNA at all <br />income levels. Additionally, this alternative does not advance the City’s objective to adopt a housing <br />element that complies with California Housing Element Law and can be certified by the HCD. None <br />of the proposed amendments would occur under this Alternative. Therefore, this Alternative would <br />not provide adequate sites with corresponding density to meet the City’s RHNA allocation, inclusive <br />of prior planning cycle carryover housing units. Under the No Project Alternative, the City would not <br />meet its 6th Cycle RHNA. Thus, this Alternative would directly conflict with California Government <br />Code § 65583, which stipulates that a jurisdiction must assess its housing element every eight years <br />and identify adequate sites for housing and provide for the existing and projected needs of all <br />economic segments of the community. The No Project Alternative also would not further the goal of <br />improving the City’s jobs-housing balance and would have greater population and housing impacts <br />compared to the proposed Housing Element Update. Based on the entire administrative record, the <br />City finds that this Alternative does not advance the City’s objectives and therefore, the City rejects <br />this alternative as infeasible. <br />Alternative 1: Remove Select Industrial and Commercial Sites <br />Alternative 1, Remove Select Industrial and Commercial Sites, would remove some of the <br />industrially/commercially zoned sites from the sites inventory list. Industrial zoned land, and <br />commercially zoned sites that allow for service commercial uses such as auto repair, is limited <br />throughout the city, so this alternative aims to preserve the existing zoning on those properties. <br />Some retail commercial sites are also excluded from this alternative, to reflect community concerns