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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 117 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />considering a PFAS and Groundwater Wells Rehabilitation Project to address PFAS contamination and <br />proceeded with work to implement this project including preparation of designs and CEQA review. <br />The project is intended to extend, by 30 years, the life of the existing groundwater supply wells as <br />safe, reliable, and locally controlled. The estimated cost of the project is 46 million dollars and is <br />being updated to reflect the current state of the economy. All environmental applications have been <br />submitted; however, financial commitments, such as grants or City funding mechanisms, have not <br />been finalized. Although this project would remediate the elevated PFAS levels, the Pleasanton City <br />Council voted to pause the project and evaluate alternatives to address the water wells. More <br />alternative water supply options are being considered by the City to replace the deficiency <br />associated with the loss of groundwater supply. The additional options being considered include the <br />following: <br />• Drilling of new City wells with or without PFAS treatment, depending on the location of the <br />wells. This option would require test drilling and groundwater sampling. <br />• Discussion between Zone 7 and the City have taken place with the option of Zone 7 providing <br />100 percent of all water supply. <br />• Consideration of purchasing water supply from outside Zone 7. <br /> <br />It is important to note that City staff, in recommending the project pause, indicated that the <br />treatment and rehabilitation project remains a viable option. As such, the City could opt to re-start <br />work on the well rehabilitation and treatment project at the conclusion of their review. <br />Water Supply Analysis: The average daily water demand per capita in this assessment of 159 GPCD is <br />based on total water used in 2020, which includes residential, commercial, industrial, and landscape <br />consumption combined. The residential portion makes up approximately 62 percent of all water <br />used. Additional water uses within residential developments like community green spaces, trees, <br />landscaping, and shrubbery require additional water use. Therefore, the conservative value of 159 <br />GPCD was used to account for these additional demands. In addition, more water conservation <br />measures may take effect in the coming years that could decrease water use per capita. The analysis <br />evaluates significantly more residential units than are needed to strictly meet the Regional Housing <br />Need Allocation assigned to the City for the forthcoming 8-year Housing Element Update cycle. The <br />analysis assumed that in every case, new residential development would be additive to any existing <br />uses on a site, when in fact it is likely that new housing would replace all or some of those uses. All <br />of these factors mean that this approach provides a conservative analysis with respect to water <br />supply/demand impacts. Future development would be built using new building standards for water <br />efficiency and would be designed to use less water than existing development. Future development <br />would also occur incrementally over time, based on market conditions and other factors, such that <br />existing water services are not overburdened by substantially increased demands at any single point <br />in time. <br />The General Plan includes goals and policies to help conserve water. Chapter 8, Water Element, of <br />the General Plan Goal 1, “preserve and protect water resources and supply for long-term <br />sustainability,” includes Policy 1 that ensures sustainability by promoting the conservation of water <br />resources. Goal 4 is to provide sufficient water supply and promote water safety and security and