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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />88 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Reduce Population Exposure and Protect Public Health from Toxic Air Contaminants: As <br />identified in Impact AIR-3, new sensitive land uses could be proximate to sources of TACs, but <br />compliance with BAAQMD regulations and mitigation measures would ensure that new <br />sources of TACs do not expose populations to significant health risk. Policy 3 in Chapter 9, Air <br />Quality and Climate Change Element, of the General Plan requires that sensitive land uses <br />shall be separated from sources of air pollution. Program 3.2 states that new sensitive <br />receptors, such as residences (including residential care and assisted living facilities for the <br />elderly), childcare centers, schools, playgrounds, and medical facilities shall be located away <br />from point sources of air pollution and busy traffic corridors following the ARB’s <br />recommendations. Program 3.3 requires site-specific studies to analyze the air quality health <br />risk for development that would place sensitive receptors closer than 500 feet from the edge <br />of a freeway or close to a significant point source of air pollution. As such, individual <br />development projects facilitated by the Housing Element Update that would introduce new <br />sensitive receptors within 500 feet of a freeway or a significant point source of air pollution <br />would be required to conduct a site-specific analysis of the potential health risk as part of the <br />measures required for the project. To support this requirement, the General Plan establishes <br />a special overlay zone covering areas within 500 feet from the edge of a freeway or high- <br />volume roadways within which future individual development projects facilitated by the <br />Housing Element Update would need to prepare a site-specific analysis to inform site <br />planning and design, as well as identify and mitigate potentially significant health impacts. <br />For project sites that would be located within siting distances recommended by the BAAQMD <br />and ARB, currently published in the ARB Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community <br />Health Perspective, or the latest available guidance as determined by the City of Pleasanton <br />as the lead agency, MM AIR-1b would be required. For these project sites, MM AIR-1b <br />requires that a site-specific Health Risk Assessment (HRA) be conducted and mitigation be <br />developed to reduce any identified significant health risk to sensitive receptors to less than <br />significant levels. The Housing Element Update and associated City actions and would not <br />result in the preclusion, removal, or conflict with existing General Plan policies establishing <br />this zone for further analysis, therefore the Housing Element Update would be considered <br />consistent with this AQP goal. <br />Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: GHG emissions are discussed in greater detail in Section <br />3.7, Greenhouse Gas Emissions. As discussed therein, implementation of the Housing <br />Element Update would substantially contribute to the region’s achievement of the 2030 <br />Statewide GHG reduction goal by targeting a 70 percent reduction in per capita emissions by <br />2030 and is forecasted to advance toward the 2045 Statewide goal of carbon neutrality. <br />Consequently, the Housing Element Update is consistent with the goals of the 2017 Clean Air <br />Plan to reduce GHG emissions. <br />2. The Housing Element Update Includes Applicable Control Measures From the Air Quality Plan: <br />The BAAQMD’s 2017 Clean Air Plan contains 55 control measures aimed at reducing air <br />pollution in the Bay Area. Table 3.2-7 on Page 3.2-41–49 of the Draft Program EIR identifies <br />the applicable control measures included in the 2017 Clean Air Plan and the General Plan <br />policies and regulations in the Pleasanton Municipal Code (Municipal Code) related to the