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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />84 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />(Lester) and 22 (Merritt), to the west of those sites is land that is not yet urbanized. Portions of the <br />area surrounding Site 1 (Lester) is designated as Agriculture and Grazing by the General Plan. With <br />respect to Site 1 (Lester), the land designated for agriculture is outside of the Urban Growth <br />Boundary, which precludes development on that land. With respect to Site 22 (Merritt), the land to <br />the west of that site is designated as PUD low density residential/rural density residential/open <br />space, and the development of housing on Site 22 (Merritt) would not result in conversion of the <br />surrounding land to nonagricultural uses. As explained more fully above, there is no forest land <br />within the City’s SOI. This condition precludes the possibility of the Housing Element Update <br />converting forest land to non-forest uses (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.17-8–9). <br />Potential Effect <br />Cumulative Impact: Cumulative impacts related to agriculture and forestry resources would be less <br />than significant. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.17-9). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The geographic scope of the cumulative impact analysis for land use <br />and planning is the Tri-Valley Planning Area, which includes the City of Pleasanton as well as the <br />surrounding cities of Dublin, Livermore, San Ramon, and the Town of Danville. <br />Agriculture Resources: Much of the Tri-Valley Planning Area includes urbanized uses with limited <br />agricultural land. Much of the land that is designated for agricultural use is outside of the respective <br />Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) or within unincorporated Alameda and Contra Costa counties. <br />Similarly, much of the Important Farmland as mapped by the FMMP is either on the outskirts of the <br />cities of Dublin, Livermore, and San Ramon and the Town of Danville or within unincorporated <br />Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Therefore, the lands designated and mapped by the FMMP as <br />agricultural land are not slated to be converted to nonagricultural uses. The Housing Element Update <br />would not result in the conversion of any land mapped as Important Farmland that is not currently <br />designated for residential uses, nor would it facilitate the conversion of agricultural land. However, if <br />any individual cumulative development project would require the conversion of land from <br />agricultural land to nonagricultural land in the future, the conversion would take place pursuant to <br />State, regional, and local regulations. As discussed above, though a portion of Site 22 (Merritt) is <br />mapped as Unique Farmland, as indicated by the residential land use designation, the City has <br />planned the site for residential uses and therefore any potential loss of Unique Farmland would likely <br />occur with or without implementation of the Housing Element Update. Development consistent with <br />the Housing Element Update would not conflict with existing zoning for agricultural uses or any <br />Williamson Act Contracts. <br />Forestry resources: The geographic scope of this cumulative analysis with respect to forestry <br />resources includes lands within the Tri-Valley Planning Area. As mapped by the CDFW, there are <br />small pockets of land within the Tri-Valley Planning Area that include private timberlands or public <br />lands with forests. However, it is likely that development within the Tri-Valley Planning Area will <br />predominately occur within already urbanized areas. The Tri-Valley Planning Area does not contain <br />forest land or timberland, as defined by Public Resource Code Section 4526, nor does it contain any