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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />78 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />points for access for certain types of development, minimum street widths, and maximum <br />acceptable grades for new roads. Chapter 19.36 of the Municipal Code establishes design standards <br />for roadway dimensions, subdivision layout, and public improvements required to protect public <br />safety, including emergency response and evacuation. Chapter 20.24 of the Municipal Code <br />regulates how access is taken to and from a site. Ongoing compliance with safety measures, such as <br />weed abatement and defensible space requirements, are enforceable through the City’s code <br />enforcement (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.16-16–18). <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact WILD-2: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not, due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, <br />exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to pollutant concentrations from a <br />wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.16-16). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Most of the Planning Area is not located in a very high FHSZ LRA or <br />SRA. Small portions of Site 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center, Mall), most of Site 26 (St. Augustine), and <br />the land north of Site 21a and b (Kiewit) are within a moderate fire hazard zone LRA. Small portions <br />of Site 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center, Mall), Site 23 (Sunol Boulevard), and Site 27 (PUSD-Vineyard) <br />are within a high fire hazard zone LRA. The entirety of Site 1 (Lester) is within a high FHSZ SRA and <br />the southern portion of Site 22 (Merritt) the portion not mapped as a very high FHSZ LRA) is within a <br />moderate FHSZ, with the easternmost portion of the site mapped as a very high FHSZ SRA. Of the <br />sites located in moderate or high FHSZ, Sites 1 (Lester) and 22 (Merritt) are the only potential sites <br />for housing adjacent to slopes. Additionally, Sites 1 (Lester), 22 (Merritt), and 27 (PUSD-Vineyard) are <br />in Special Fire Protection Areas as designated by the General Plan. <br />All future development consistent with the Housing Element Update would be conditioned to <br />require compliance with the City, County, and the LPFD plans, policies, actions, and ordinances in <br />place to reduce the risks associated with wildfires. All new development would be required to <br />comply with the Public Safety Element of the General Plan Policy 8, which requires that an adequate <br />level of fire equipment and personal to be provided to the community, Policy 12, which requires that <br />all new development to upgrade the level of fire resistivity, and Policy 13, which requires fire <br />mitigation measures in new and existing developments that reduce the fire threat to the structure <br />and occupants. Additionally, Policy 13 also requires development outside the 5-minute travel time <br />and in Special Fire Protection Areas to provide effective fire prevention measures. As discussed <br />above, Policy 23, which mandates the preparation of City emergency procedures in the event of a <br />natural or human-caused disaster, would also apply to new development. With respect to Site 27 <br />(PUSD-Vineyard), the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan provides development standards and <br />design guidelines, including siting of development and use of fire breaks, vegetation, and open space <br />management, which would reduce fire threat to structures and occupants. <br />The LPFD reviews architectural and development plans to ensure that new development projects <br />meet fire protection and emergency access requirements in accordance with Chapter 20.24 of the