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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-31 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />As shown in Table 3.15-8, with all the City’s groundwater supply wells being taken out of <br />commission, and unless the supply is either replaced or restored, there would be a <br />significant projected water supply deficiency for all years reported in this analysis. The <br />deficiency ranges from approximately 12 percent to approximately 25 percent. Without the <br />groundwater supply, there would not be enough water available to account for development <br />consistent with the Housing Element Update unless alternative water supplies are identified, <br />such as purchasing additional water from Zone 7 Water Agency. Although Zone 7 has <br />sufficient supplies available, b Because the City is still evaluating options for additional water <br />and has not finalized additional supplies at the time of publication of this Draft Program EIR, <br />the potential water supply deficiency is considered significant for the purpose of this <br />analysis. <br />Page 3.15-37, Second Full Paragraph <br />In response to ZONE 7-6, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />With the suspension of the Groundwater Wells Rehabilitation Project, more alternative <br />water supply options are being considered by the City to replace the deficiency associated <br />with the loss of groundwater supply. The additional options being considered include the <br />following: <br />• Drilling of new City wells with or without PFAS treatment, depending on the location of <br />the wells. This option would require test drilling and groundwater sampling; <br />• Discussion between Zone 7 and the City have taken place with the option of Zone 7 <br />providing 100 percent of all water supply, both in the near term and explore the option <br />of Zone 7 providing 100 percent of all water supply in the long-term in the future; and <br />• Consideration of purchasing water supply from outside Zone 7. <br /> <br />Section 3.16—Wildfire <br />Page 3.16-21, Second Paragraph <br />To provide clarification, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Further, most development under consistent with the Housing Element Update is expected <br />to occur in urbanized and developed areas where existing infrastructure (including utilities, <br />highways, and roadways) are already in place. The Housing Element Update would retain the <br />existing roadway patterns. As the City receives development applications for subsequent <br />development consistent the Housing Element Update, those applications would be reviewed <br />by the City for compliance with the fire protection measures identified in the General Plan, <br />the California Fire Code, and the California Public Resources Code General Plan and <br />California Fire Code to ensure that fire risks are not exacerbated. As such, the Housing <br />Element Update does not propose the installation and maintenance of any new <br />infrastructure that would substantially exacerbate fire risk, and impacts would be less than <br />significant.