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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Errata Final EIR <br /> <br /> <br />3-28 FirstCarbon Solutions <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />Model and/or other methodologies acceptable to the City), and reduce VMT impacts <br />to less than the applicable VMT thresholds. <br />Section 3.15—Utilities and Service Systems <br />Page 3.15-2, Fifth Full Paragraph <br />In response to ZONE 7-7, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Potable Water Source and Supply <br />Purchased Surface Water <br />Zone 7 currently derives approximately 80 90 percent of its water supply from the State <br />Water Project, with water from the South Bay Aqueduct, surface runoff collected in the Del <br />Valle Reservoir, with local groundwater representing the remaining supply (20 percent). The <br />remaining 10 percent is local rainfall captured in Lake Del Valle. Water delivered to <br />Pleasanton comes primarily from the State Water Project. The 2020 UWMP concluded that <br />Zone 7 can supply 100 percent of water demand in all conditions, including drought, up to <br />the 2045 projections as shown in Table 3.15-2. Zone 7 is also engaging in future water supply <br />projects, including the Bay Area Regional Desalination Project, Delta Conveyance Project, <br />Potable Water Reuse, and the Proposed Sites Reservoir. These projects are projected to <br />provide a cumulative additional water supply of over 1,500,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) <br />(Appendix H).4 <br />Page 3.15-4, Before Third Full Paragraph <br />In response to ZONE 7-2, the following paragraph has been added: <br />Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances <br />It has since been determined that all groundwater supply wells for the city may be taken out <br />of commission no later than the first quarter of 2023. Currently, groundwater makes up <br />approximately 20 percent of the total water supply for the City, and, if the existing <br />groundwater supply wells are taken out of commission, this 20 percent will not be available <br />to the City without treatment or additional supply sources. As noted, the City is evaluating <br />options to replace or restore this supply. <br />PFAS contamination also adversely affects Zone 7’s groundwater production capacity. Most <br />recently, perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) regulations issued in November 2022 have <br />resulted in two of Zone 7’s wells to be taken offline because they can no longer meet the <br />PFHxS response levels without treatment and blending capability. Zone 7 is currently <br />developing PFAS treatment facilities for two affected well fields and will continue to develop <br />plans for meeting groundwater production needs as PFAS regulations evolve. <br />Zone 7 expects to be able to meet the City’s increased demands in the short-term, and Zone <br />7 will continue to work with the City to evaluate this alternative as a long-term option. <br /> <br />4 Watearth. 2022. City of Pleasanton Water Supply Assessment (WSA) for 2023-2031 Housing Element Update. October.