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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-17 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />The project applicant or sponsor shall ensure that, if development of habitat <br />occupied by special-status species, migratory or nesting birds must occur as <br />determined by a qualified Biologist/ and/or Wetland Regulatory Specialist, species <br />impacts shall be avoided or minimized, and, if required by a regulatory agency or the <br />CEQA process, loss of wildlife habitat or individual plants shall be fully compensated <br />on a site. If on-site mitigation is not feasible in the City’s or regulatory agency’s <br />discretion, it shall occur within the City of Pleasanton Planning Area whenever <br />possible, with a priority given to existing habitat mitigation banks. Habitat mitigation <br />shall be accompanied by a long-term management plan and monitoring program <br />prepared by a qualified Biologist and include provisions for protection of mitigation <br />lands in perpetuity through the establishment of easements and adequate funding <br />for maintenance and monitoring; the time frame for the funding shall be detailed in <br />the long-term management plan and monitoring program completed prior to <br />disturbance of occupied habitat or water feature. <br />Section 3.6—Geology and Soils <br />Page 3.6-24, First Full Paragraph <br />To correct a typographical error, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Chapter 5 of the General Plan, Public Safety Element, includes policies and programs to <br />minimize structural damage and minimize the exposure of people to risk of injury or death <br />from structural failure in the event of surface fault rupture during an earthquake. Goal 1 <br />focuses on minimizing risks to lives and property due to seismic activity. Policy 1 restricts <br />development in areas prone to seismic safety hazards and includes programs that regulate <br />development of habitable structures within fault zones, such as Site 22 (Stoneridge Shopping <br />Center, MallMerritt). <br />Page 3.6-24, Second Full Paragraph <br />To correct a typographical error, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Therefore, development on the potential sites for rezoning, including Site 22 (Stoneridge <br />Shopping Center, MallMerritt), would comply with the restrictions included within the <br />programs in Policy 1, such as Program 1.2, which prohibits construction of habitable <br />structures within at least 50 feet of an identified active fault trace and Program 1.3, which <br />prohibits construction of habitable structures within at least 100 feet of the most likely line <br />of the fault trace. Compliance with these programs would be confirmed during the <br />development review process. Policy 2 requires investigation of potential for seismic hazards <br />during the development review process and implementation of soils engineering and <br />construction standards to minimize potential dangers from earthquakes. The programs <br />applicable to the Housing Element Update included in Policy 2 (including, but not limited to, <br />Program 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6) require site-specific soils, geologic, and/or geotechnical <br />engineering studies prior to development approval for habitable structures within Alquist- <br />Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones, the design of buildings and infrastructure within applicable <br />standards, review of reports and plans by the City Engineer, and professional inspections