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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-10 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />Impacts Mitigation Measures Level of Significance After Mitigation <br />Countywide Travel Demand [Alameda CTC] Model and/or other <br />methodologies acceptable to the City), shall provide a quantitative VMT <br />analysis using the methods applied in this Draft Program EIR, with <br />modifications as necessary (e.g., to account for project-specific information <br />and/or to reflect future updates to the Alameda Countywide Travel Demand <br />[Alameda CTC] Model and/or other methodologies acceptable to the City), <br />and reduce VMT impacts to less than the applicable VMT thresholds. <br />