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requisite findings to document the Housing Element's compliance with State law and <br /> self-certify the Housing Element until such a time that HCD can complete its final <br /> certification. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> California Environmental Quality Act <br /> The City determined that a Program Environmental Impact Report is necessary to <br /> evaluate environmental impacts of the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update pursuant to <br /> California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168. The EIR is the <br /> informational document that identifies the potential environmental impacts of the <br /> Housing Element, the mitigation measures for these impacts, and potential impacts that <br /> cannot be mitigated and are therefore unavoidable. <br /> The Draft EIR (DEIR) focuses on changes to land use designations to accommodate <br /> residential uses for sites identified in the Housing Element Update and evaluates the <br /> potential environmental impacts of those land use and zoning changes. It also focuses <br /> on the implementation of policies and programs included in the Housing Element <br /> Update. Less than significant impacts were identified across several impact areas <br /> including Aesthetics, Energy, and Wildfire. Potentially significant impacts were identified <br /> for Air Quality, Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous <br /> Waste, and Noise. However, in each case, mitigation measures are specified that would <br /> reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. <br /> The DEIR identifies significant and unavoidable impacts in both Transportation and <br /> Utilities and Service Systems. In terms of Utilities and Service Systems, the significant <br /> and unavoidable impact relates to projected water supply. Regarding Transportation, <br /> the significant and unavoidable impact relates to vehicle miles of travel (VMTs). Many of <br /> the potential sites for rezoning are located in areas which are expected to generate a <br /> home-based VMT per resident above the relevant threshold of significance. <br /> The City prepared and circulated a Draft EIR on October 20, 2022, and the document <br /> was made available for public comment through December 5, 2022. <br /> Throughout the public comment period, staff received seven comments. Subsequently, <br /> a Final EIR (FEIR) was prepared which incorporates responses to comments received <br /> and includes clarifications and corrections to the DEIR. Additionally, the Findings of <br /> Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and <br /> Reporting Program was prepared. More information on each of these components is <br /> provided below. <br /> The City Council will determine whether to certify the EIR as complete according to <br /> CEQA requirements and adopt the necessary findings of fact and statement of <br /> overriding considerations, along with its action on the Housing Element. <br /> Page 3 of 14 <br />