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Finally, staff notes that other provisions of State law tie amendment or update of other <br /> General Plan elements, notably the Safety Element, to adoption of the Housing <br /> Element. Due to the accelerated timeframe for Housing Element adoption, it has not <br /> been feasible to also prepare the necessary Safety Element updates; staff will bring <br /> these amendments forward in the coming months. <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW <br /> The Planning Commission reviewed the environmental documents, updated Housing <br /> Element, and general plan amendments on January 11, 2023. The Commission <br /> recommended approval of all three items with no changes to the environmental <br /> documents nor the general plan amendments. However, the Commission <br /> recommended the following changes to the Draft Housing Element Sites Inventory: <br /> • Increase the lower end of the density range for Area 9 (Metro 580) and Area 29 <br /> (Oracle) from 45 du/ac to 50 du/ac, to be more consistent with densities at <br /> Stoneridge Mall. <br /> • Add Area 12 (Pimlico North) to the inventory, provided that staff is able to confirm <br /> affirmative owner interest in redeveloping these parcels from all three owners. <br /> • Decrease the density of Area 18 (Valley Plaza) from 30-40 du/ac to 15-25 du/ac., <br /> recognizing the desire to retain local-serving retail and concern that four-story <br /> buildings may not be appropriate in this location given residential adjacencies. <br /> • Modify the density of Area 25 (PUSD District) to allow up to 139 units. This <br /> results in a density of eight to 13 du/ac across the entire approximately 10.68 <br /> acres. Some areas of the site may accommodate Village High School, parks, and <br /> landscape buffers. As such, the units may be clustered resulting in an average of <br /> 18 du/ac across the areas containing housing. This density was supported by the <br /> commission provided that the District was able to demonstrate its commitment to <br /> providing teacher/workforce housing on the site. This amendment reflects <br /> changes to the site density requested by PUSD, documented in a letter <br /> submitted to the City on January 9, 2023 (Attachment 4). <br /> Finally, although not reflected as a change in the sites inventory, at the January 11 <br /> Planning Commission meeting (and in its January 9, 2023, letter), PUSD requested the <br /> City consider allowing additional units on Area 27 — PUSD Vineyard, by increasing the <br /> acreage where housing could be built from the previously recommended approximately <br /> seven acres, to approximately 10.64 acres with a commitment to include an <br /> approximately one-and-one-half-acre park. Since the CEQA analysis did not reflect the <br /> larger number of units requested by PUSD, staff recommends instead the insertion of a <br /> new bullet under General Plan Policy LU-12, for Site 27, for the City to consider this <br /> change, subject to completion of supplemental CEQA analysis. <br /> In addition, the Commission took action to recommend City Council adopt the <br /> Stoneridge Mall Framework Components, within which a density range of 50-65 du/ac <br /> was established across six approximately three-acre sites on each of the parcels at the <br /> mall. <br /> Page 11 of 14 <br />