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ATTACHMENT #3 <br /> EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT <br /> RESOLUTION NO.: 2022—04 - 086 <br /> April 19, 2022 <br /> AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT A SUBLICENSE TO THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A SEGMENT OF THE IRON HORSE REGIONAL TRAIL: <br /> IRON HORSE REGIONAL TRAIL <br /> WHEREAS, a segment of the Iron Horse Regional Trail ("Trail') between Interstate 580 <br /> and Valley Avenue in Pleasanton is operated by the Park District under a license agreement <br /> ("License") with the County of Alameda ("County"), which owns the former Southern Pacific <br /> Railroad corridor where the Trail is located; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2006 as a condition of development for a new residential subdivision <br /> adjacent to the former rail corridor, the City of Pleasanton ("City") required Ponderosa Homes <br /> ("Ponderosa") to install and maintain new Trail paving, landscaping, garbage cans, drinking <br /> fountains, bike signs, and other trail improvements along an approximately one-mile segment of <br /> the Trail between Santa Rita Road and Busch Road (the "Trail Segment'); and <br /> WHEREAS, the City and Park District have had an informal understanding that the City <br /> is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of these trail improvements: and <br /> WHEREAS, the proposed sublicense agreement ("Sublicense") with the City will serve to <br /> formalize the Park Districts arrangement with the City and clarify maintenance responsibilities <br /> for the Trail Segment. The City will continue to be responsible for the maintenance of the trail <br /> improvements installed by Ponderosa in 2006 and for the removal of litter, while the Park District <br /> will continue to police the Trail in accordance with the Park District's Ordinance 38; and <br /> WHEREAS, under its License with the County, the Park District has the right with prior <br /> written consent from the County to sublicense any portion of the Trail to another entity, and <br /> the County has given its consent to the proposed Sublicense, the terms and conditions of which <br /> will be consistent with the Park District's License with the County; and <br /> WHEREAS, there are no additional operational impacts associated with the proposed <br /> Sublicense; and <br /> WHEREAS, the action to enter into the new Lease is categorically exempt from California <br /> Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for preparing and processing environmental <br /> documentation pursuant to Section 15301 of State CEQA Guidelines which in part exempts the <br /> operation and leasing of existing public structures, facilities, or topographical features; <br />