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MODIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT <br /> n <br /> F <br /> This Modification of License Agreement made and entered into this day of <br /> �,-:\\ .k . 2012, by and between the County of Alameda (hereinafter referred to as COUNTY) and <br /> the East Bay Regional Park District(hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT): <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, COUNTY AND DISTRTICT, on December 15, 1998, by COUNTY Resolution No. R-99-80 and by <br /> DISTRICT Resolution No. 1998-10-229, entered into a license agreement whereby DISTRICT would <br /> develop, operate and maintain certain trail facilities on a portion of COUNTY lands as they are described <br /> therein; and <br /> WHEREAS, subsequent to the execution of the subject license, the DISTRICT has been granted funding <br /> for improvements to said trail; and <br /> WHEREAS, because of this funding, it is necessary to amend said license to extend the term for an <br /> additional period of ten years and to modify Section 6, Revocation, of said license; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT MUTUALLY AGREED that the term of said license is extended an additional ten <br /> (10)years,with the new termination date being thirty-five (35)years from the original execution date of <br /> December 15, 1998;and <br /> BE IT FURTHER AGREED that Section 6, Revocation, of said license be replaced in its entirety by the <br /> following: <br /> Section 6, Revocation <br /> In the event the primary uses of the Property by LICENSOR or LICENSOR's permittees require some <br /> permanent use of a portion or portions of the Property which, by nature thereof, precludes <br /> LICENSEE's use thereof, LICENSOR may, upon five-years prior written notice, revoke this License as <br /> to the area required for such permanent primary use. LICENSOR shall supply LICENSEE with a map <br /> or drawing identifying the area(s) as to which this License is so revoked. <br /> Prior to and during the five-year revocation notice period LICENSOR agrees to actively work with <br /> LICENSEE to develop alternatives that, if possible, will accommodate both LICENSOR's primary use <br /> and LICENSEE's trail. In the event of such revocation, LICENSOR will make every reasonable effort to <br /> provide an alternate Trail route upon the Property suitable to both LICENSEE and the Federal <br /> Highway Administration (the funding source for LICENSEE's Trail). <br /> In the event that a reasonable alternate Trail route cannot be provided, LICENSOR agrees that any <br /> project by LICENSOR, or LICENSOR's permittees,which precludes LICENSEE's use of the Property will <br /> include partial repayment of the grant to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a cost of <br /> said project, should LICENSEE be required by FHWA (or Caltrans) to repay a portion of said grant. <br /> LICENSOR will only repay that amount of the grant that FHWA(or Caltrans) requires of LICENSEE by <br />