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motor-driven vehicles and shall post signs at points of entry to the Trail that such vehicles are <br /> prohibited. <br /> 15. PATROL: <br /> LICENSEE shall provide such patrol service consistent with LICENSEE's standards as is <br /> necessary to prevent unauthorized use of the Trail and to protect the safety of the users or the <br /> Trail. Its failure to do so shall constitute a breach of this License and justify immediate <br /> termination of the same. <br /> .16. SIGNS: <br /> LICENSEE shall install and maintain appropriate information and warning signs. <br /> LICENSEE shall not be responsible for any existing signs. LICENSEE shall also install <br /> signs designation permitted Trail uses by the general public.,regulations governing such uses <br /> and specifically prohibiting operation of unauthorized motor vehicles. <br /> 17. WEED ABATEMENT: <br /> LICENSEE agrees to keep the Trail free from weeds and other vegetation. In addition, <br /> Licensee agrees to abate weeds consistent with LICENSEE's standards within areas outside <br /> the Trail extending 12.5 feet each side of the centerline of the Trail. LICENSOR agrees to <br /> perform weed abatement on the remaining portion of the Property in accordance with local <br /> fire'district standards. <br /> 18. DRAINAGE: <br /> LICENSEE agrees to maintain, at its expense, drainage facilities necessary for Trail <br /> operations excepting those drainage crossings owned and operated by Alameda County Flood <br /> Control and Water Conservation District-Zone 7. <br /> 19. FENCING: <br /> LICENSEE agrees to maintain, at its expense, all fencing and barricades on the property <br /> installed by LICENSOR or LICENSEE only if damaged by trail use. LICENSEE shall not <br /> be responsible for the maintenance of residential fencing installed by parties other that <br /> LICENSOR and LICENSEE. <br /> 20. BRIDGE STRUCTURE: <br /> Licensee shall, at its own expense, provide structural and aesthetic maintenance to all bridges <br /> used as part of the Trail. LICENSEE shall only provide structural and aesthetic maintenance <br /> for the bridge(s) if damaged caused by trail use and to the extent necessary for LICENSEE to <br /> operate the bridge as part of a trail system. <br /> 7 <br /> Prop.Mgt.SP.EastBayRegional Parkl)istdct.Trai 1.9/97 <br />