Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for Development of the Stoneridge Mall
<br />Framework Plan and Subsequent Rezoning of the Stoneridge Property (January 3, 2023):
<br />Vision Statement:
<br />Stoneridge shall continue to be a community destination and over time will evolve into a more vibrant
<br />mixed-use community, with retail, housing, commercial, dining and entertainment activities that are strong
<br />economic contributors to the City of Pleasanton. The City, in collaboration with the Stoneridge landowners, will
<br />establish a new district that facilitates development of an integrated, sustainable, mixed-use neighborhood,
<br />with well-connected walking, biking, vehicular and transit corridors throughout the property, and a range of
<br />high-quality public and private gathering spaces and placemaking amenities.
<br />Guiding Principles:
<br /> Assure the long-term economic viability of Stoneridge as a regional and community destination
<br />supporting the core mall shops and stores, with the addition of future housing, retail, commercial, and
<br />park and open space uses on the site.
<br /> Retain and/or expand job opportunities, property taxes, sales taxes and other amenities and benefits
<br />Stoneridge offers the City and its residents.
<br /> Integrate housing, retail, parking and other commercial uses in a cohesive manner, that respects and
<br />supports adjacent land uses, while providing pedestrian mall entrances that are highly visible,
<br />attractive and inviting.
<br /> Design cohesive and well-planned pedestrian, bike, and vehicular circulation, with connections to the
<br />surrounding neighborhoods and transit (including BART).
<br /> Create thoughtful and integrated outdoor gathering and active and passive open spaces for
<br />recreation, entertainment, gathering, reflection, placemaking and civic opportunities.
<br /> Develop integrated parking solutions that are dispersed throughout the site and are convenient for a
<br />variety of uses. Provide parking in both parking garages and surface parking within Stoneridge.
<br />Shared parking will be explored and integrated as appropriate to support mixed uses, reduce traffic
<br />and manage parking demand.
<br /> Fairly distribute affordable housing amongst the landowners, with assurance that all affordable
<br />housing r
<br /> The Framework Plan and subsequent zoning will contemplate a variety of uses (including office and
<br />hospitality) and densities, depending upon market demands and project economics, and in
<br />recognition of the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in the REA and other agreements,
<br />easements and licenses between the landowners that govern development of Stoneridge.
<br /> Landowners will work with each other, the City and the community to establish a more specific
<br />framework and subsequent zoning district, which will identify locations and details for these land uses.
<br /> Landowners may propose property line adjustments, transfer of housing units and shared uses (e.g.,
<br />parks and open spaces, parking and affordable housing solutions, roadways, and other project
<br />features and amenities) to facilitate equitable, rational, feasible development patterns and phasing
<br />that maximize opportunities for Stoneridge to be a regional destination for housing, shopping, dining,
<br />work, and play.