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P22-0969, Stoneridge Mall Framework Planning Commission <br />6 of 6 <br />• Circulation Plan: The Framework Circulation Plan shall provide for an interconnected <br />network of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle circulation. <br />• Mix of Housing and Commercial/Retail Development-Publicly Accessible Open <br />Spaces- Integration and Connection: Each future development should have a mix of <br />housing and commercial/retail development and publicly accessible open spaces to <br />provide an active interface between the new development and the Mall and ensure that <br />active spaces are integrated into the various new development projects in a manner that <br />connects new and existing development. <br />• Active Frontages: Buildings should provide active frontages that connect each of the <br />developments together and connect to the existing mall and surrounding developments. <br />• Building Massing: Building massing and articulation should break down the scale of the <br />buildings, provide a rhythm, and ensure that buildings have a human scale . <br />• Mall Building Renovations: When a major existing mall building (e.g., existing major <br />tenant space) is removed, the exposed façade shall be upgraded or renovated to <br />improve the connectivity and transparency of the mall to adjacent development. <br />The purpose of incorporating these design and placemaking elements is to establish baseline <br />expectations for future development, reflective of input from the community, Planning <br />Commission, and City Council. Each of these ideas and concepts includes more detailed and <br />specific standards in the Draft Framework and some include illustrative diagrams, including <br />some that reflect dimensional standards where the professional services team recommends it <br />is important to do so. <br />Three accompanying figures in an Appendix illustrate overall site concepts, including existing <br />parcelization, circulation and open space concepts, and housing allocations. <br />PUBLIC NOTICE AND PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Notification of this item has been published in The Valley Times as an agenda item for the <br />January 11, 2023, Planning Commission meeting, listed on the City’s website and posted at <br />physical notice boards at City Hall. This item was also included as an upcoming agenda item in <br />the “Agenda Highlights” of the January 6, 2023, publication of the Pleasanton Weekly, and a <br />message was sent to subscribers of a project-specific email notification list. The City has <br />received written correspondence from three of the four ownership entities, as noted in this <br />report and enclosed as Exhibit B. All other public comment received to date has been attached <br />as Exhibit D to this report. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Stoneridge Mall Framework is intended to provide guidance for the future of Stoneridge <br />Mall as it transitions from solely a commercial use to a mixed-use center that incorporates a <br />variety of uses, including residential. With the anticipated adoption of the 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) <br />Housing Element, the Framework identifies the allocation of housing units among the four <br />ownership entities and provides both policy objectives and design guidance for future <br />development, with the intent of refining these features in a subsequent effort . <br />Primary Author: Shweta Bonn, Senior Planner, 925-931-5611 or <br />Reviewed/Approved By: <br />Ellen Clark, Director of Community Development