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27 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />units affordable to the same or lower income level as a condition of any development on <br />the site. Replacement requirements shall be consistent with those set forth in paragraph <br />(3) of subdivision (c) of Section 65915. <br />(h) The program required by subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of <br />Section 65583 shall accommodate 100 percent of the need for housing for very low and <br />low-income households allocated pursuant to Section 65584 for which site capacity has <br />not been identified in the inventory of sites pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) <br />on sites that shall be zoned to permit owner-occupied and rental multifamily residential <br />use by right for developments in which at least 20 percent of the units are affordable to <br />lower income households during the planning period. <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.1 <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3.2: Rezoning <br /> <br />(h) These sites shall be zoned with minimum density and development standards that <br />permit at least <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.1 <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3.2: Rezoning <br />(h) 16 units per site at a density of at least 16 units per acre in jurisdictions described in <br />clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c), shall be at least 20 <br />units per acre in jurisdictions described in clauses (iii) and (iv) of subparagraph (B) of <br />paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.1 <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3.2: Rezoning <br />(h) and shall meet the standards set forth in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (5) of <br />subdivision (b). <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.1 <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3.2: Rezoning <br />(h) At least 50 percent of the very low and low-income housing need shall be <br />accommodated on sites designated for residential use and for which nonresidential uses <br />or mixed uses are not permitted, except that a city or county may accommodate all of the <br />very low and low-income housing need on sites designated for mixed uses if those sites <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.1