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Contractor may choose to either hand dig or use heavy equipment to facilitate the <br /> installation of the vault. The vault will be installed to meet standard cemetery practices <br /> that complies with all state regulations and city codes. In the process of the vault <br /> installation, if an unexpected obstacle occurs, such as: a previous installed adjacent <br /> vault is intruding on burial space, or any other irremovable object, the Contractor will <br /> work with the City Sales and Management Contractor to resolve the issue which may <br /> require a fee adjustment. <br /> 7.5 Ground leveling and soil compacting for new - New gravesites are to be cleared, <br /> tamped sunk, and leveled with the surrounding terrain within seven (7) calendar days of <br /> burial services. Within twenty (20) calendar days following initial leveling, perform a <br /> follow-up leveling for re-vegetation. <br /> 7.6 Marker installation —The Contractor shall install headstones and markers within <br /> seven (7) days of notification by the City Sales & Management Contractor. Contractor <br /> shall ensure site layout and preparation and install headstones and markers. <br /> Headstones shall be handled in a manner that prevents damage. Contractor shall <br /> ensure that flat markers shall be uniform in height (parallel with the ground and no more <br /> than 1 inch above grade) and horizontally and vertically aligned. Contractor shall <br /> provide headstone re-setting up to 1 headstone or marker per week. The Contractor is <br /> not responsible for the purchase and delivery of the monuments, headstones and <br /> markers to the cemetery. <br /> SECTION 8. EQUIPMENT <br /> When the City backhoe is no longer available for Contractor's use, Contractor shall <br /> obtain its own, or rent as needed, a backhoe to provide the burial services. If the <br /> Contractor buys its own backhoe, Contractor shall provide the City with a rate sheet <br /> setting forth the hourly cost for the backhoe. If the Contractor rents a backhoe, <br /> Contractor shall provide City a copy of the rental invoice, to which Contractor may add a <br /> ten percent (10%) administrative cost. Such ownership hourly rate, or rental invoice + <br /> administrative cost, may be added as expenses to be invoiced by Contractor and paid <br /> by City, in additional to the Cemetery Fee Schedule set forth in Exhibit B. <br /> 17 <br />