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Finding/ <br />Comment #Comment Response Reference <br />City of Pleasanton 6th Cycle Housing Element <br />HCD November 14, 2022 Letter - Comments and Responses - DRAFT <br />December 2, 2022 <br />B.2 <br />Include an analysis of population and employment trends and documentation of projections and a quantification of the locality's existing and <br />projected needs for all income levels, including extremely low-income households. (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (a)(1).) <br />Include an analysis and documentation of household characteristics, including level of payment compared to ability to pay, housing <br />characteristics, including overcrowding, and housing stock condition. (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (a)(2).) <br />Analyze any special housing needs such as elderly; persons with disabilities, including a developmental disability; large families; <br />farmworkers; families with female heads of households; and families and persons in need of emergency shelter. (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. <br />(a)(7).) <br />Extremely Low-Income (ELI) Households: While the element quantifies existing and projected ELI households, it must also analyze their <br />housing needs. The analysis of ELI housing needs could consider tenure, overpayment, resources and the effectiveness of strategies and <br />the magnitude of housing need. To assist the analysis, see the enclosed data and sample analysis at <br />development/building-blocks/housing-needs/extremely-low-income-housing-needs.shtml. <br />A subsection on extremely low-income households <br />will be added to the housing needs assessment <br />(Appendix A). This will summarize data, resources, <br />and strategies currently dispersed throughout the <br />draft Housing Element. <br />Appendix A (Housing Needs Assessment), <br />Section A.3.4 (Special Housing Needs) <br />B.2 (cont) <br />Overpayment: While the element identifies the total number of households overpaying for housing (pp. A-59 to A-67), it must quantify and <br />analyze the number of lower-income households overpaying for housing by tenure (i.e., renter and owner) and add or modify policies and <br />programs as appropriate. <br />Additional detail on overpayment data will be <br />added with reference to relevant programs. <br />Appendix A (Housing Needs Assessment), <br />Section A.5.3 (Overpayment) <br />B.2 (cont) <br />Special Housing Needs: While the element reports data on households and persons with special housing needs, the element must also <br />describe the resources available and effectiveness of strategies to these special housing needs groups, then determine the magnitude of <br />housing needs to better formulate policies and programs. <br />Resources available to special needs populations <br />and effectiveness of strategies will be added. Also, <br />see Finding/Comment A. <br />Appendix A (Housing Needs Assessment), <br />Section A.3.4 (Special Housing Needs) <br />B.3 <br />An inventory of land suitable and available for residential development, including vacant sites and sites having realistic and demonstrated <br />potential for redevelopment during the planning period to meet the locality’s housing need for a designated income level, and an analysis of <br />the relationship of zoning and public facilities and services to these sites. (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (a)(3).) <br />Suitability of Nonvacant Sites: The element must include an analysis demonstrating the potential for redevelopment of nonvacant sites. The <br />analysis shall consider factors including the extent to which existing uses may constitute an impediment to additional residential <br />development, the City’s past experience with converting existing uses to higher density residential development, the current market demand <br />for the existing use, an analysis of any existing leases or other contracts that would perpetuate the existing use or prevent redevelopment of <br />the site for additional residential development, development trends, market conditions, and regulatory or other incentives or standards to <br />encourage additional residential development on these sites. For example, the element lists various factors (e.g., age of structure, <br />development capacity through density and FAR) utilized to indicate the potential for redevelopment in the planning period; however, it should <br />support the validity of these factors. To support these factors, the element should evaluate development trends or recent experience in <br />redevelopment relative to the factors. For example, the element could utilize Table B-9 (Development on Nonvacant Sites in the Tri-Valley) <br />and list the values of the factors for prior uses. <br />Data on existing/previous uses and other <br />information (e.g., building age) will be added to the <br />pipeline project table (Table B-3) if available. <br />Similar data will be added to nonvacant sites <br />development Table B-9 as available. Discussion <br />will be expanded to reflect this data. <br />Appendix B (Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology), Section B.2.2 (Entitled and <br />Proposed Developments) and Section <br />B.2.5 (Suitability of Nonvacant Sites) <br />B.3 (cont) <br />In addition, specific analysis and actions are necessary if the housing element relies upon nonvacant sites to accommodate more than 50 <br />percent of the RHNA for lower-income households. For your information, the housing element must demonstrate existing uses are not an <br />impediment to additional residential development and will likely discontinue in the planning period. Absent findings (e.g., adoption resolution) <br />based on substantial evidence, the existing uses will be presumed to impede additional residential development and will not be utilized <br />toward demonstrating adequate sites to accommodate the RHNA. <br />The required finding will be included in the <br />resolution adopting the Housing Element.N/A <br />B.3 (cont)Finally, the housing element must include a program to provide replacement housing. (Gov. Code, § 65583.2, subd. (g)(3).) The replacement <br />housing program must adhere to the same requirements as set forth in Government Code section 65915, subdivision (c), paragraph (3). <br />A new program will be added that reflects state law <br />requirements for replacement of protected housing <br />units. <br />New program under Goal 3 (Conserve and <br />improve the existing housing stock). <br />2