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Draft Housing Element December 14, 2022 <br />13 of 21 <br /> <br /> <br />It is noted that PUSD is currently undertaking a boundary adjustment study, which will <br />aim to adjust enrollment boundaries to better balance impacts to existing schools; City <br />staff are participating in the Boundary Stakeholder Committee and are continuing to <br />provide information and data to PUSD as it undertakes updates to its demographic and <br />enrollment projection reports, in order to most effectively plan for new facilities. PUSD <br />has stated that neither of the sites it proposed for potential rezoning to allow housing <br />would be suitable sites to meet its school capacity needs, since their locations do not <br />match where existing and projected student demand is greatest, and that its preference <br />is instead to allow for an alternative use of these sites, and for the proceeds from <br />development to be used to help support facilities in other locations, to meet student <br />needs. <br /> <br />LOS Impact <br />As noted above, Area 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center), Area 11 (Old Santa Rita), Area <br />20 (Boulder Court), and Area 21 (Kiewit) are anticipated to be directly associated with <br />added vehicle delays and traffic at impacted intersections, although for both Area 2 and <br />Area 21, and there are potential adjustments that may occur related to projected land <br />use (i.e., at the Mall and within East Pleasanton), that could help to reduce the projected <br />impacts as modelled. <br /> <br />Owner Interest <br />Many of the sites have some form of owner interest which includes active <br />involvement/conversation with staff, applications, completing the survey to register <br />affirmative interest, and/or submitting separate letters of interest. Some form of owner <br />interest has been expressed for all sites except Area 4 (Owens Drive), Area 11 (Old <br />Santa Rita), Area 12 (Pimlico North), Area 15 (Rheem Drive Southwest), Area 20 <br />(Boulder Court), and Area 24 (Sonoma Drive). <br /> <br />Review by HCD <br />The adequacy of the sites inventory has been evaluated by HCD. While no formal <br />comments were made by HCD to explicitly reject any sites from inclusion, staff held two <br />calls with HCD wherein they inquired about the specific sites including likelihood of <br />redevelopment/owner interest for: Area 4 (Owens Drive), Area 9 (Metro 580), Area 11 <br />(Old Santa Rita), Area 12 (Pimlico North Side), Area 15 (Rheem Drive Southwest), Area <br />18 (Valley Plaza), Area 23 (Sunol Blvd), and Area 24 (Sonoma Drive). The formal <br />comment letter similarly focuses on non-vacant sites where there are existing, ongoing <br />uses and activities, which include the sites listed above. Several of these sites coincide <br />with those for which there has not been any active owner interest expressed to date. <br /> <br />Public Input <br />Throughout the Housing Element update process, staff has heard from several <br />members of the community. Of the remaining sites on the potential rezone list, staff <br />received concerns related to several sites including: <br /> <br />