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1. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS <br /> 1.1.Scope <br /> 1.1.1. The intent of this specification is to describe the construction of one (1) 28-foot <br /> (maximum) long front-engine forward control "step van" style truck into a mobile <br /> outreach vehicle for purchase and use by the City of Pleasanton Library and <br /> Recreation Department("City").The unit shall be built on a 19,500 lb.GVWR chassis <br /> for adequate support of the van body, conversion, and approximately 3,000Ibs of <br /> city materials and supplies. <br /> 1.1.2. The outreach vehicle described herein is intended to provide contemporary mobile <br /> services to the city's communities in an operationally efficient manner. <br /> 1.1.3. The unit will operate within an urban environment in northern California and shall <br /> be designed and equipped to safely operate in an environment of relatively flat <br /> roadways. The unit will be kept outside when not in service. It is the city's utmost <br /> goal to ensure that the outreach vehicle is well-equipped to operate efficiently and <br /> safely in this environment. <br /> 1.1.4. The successful vendor shall furnish all materials not specifically denoted as <br /> "customer supplied",as well as the labor to complete the conversion of the outreach <br /> vehicle specified herein, as shown on the attached drawing, or as required to <br /> complete and/or exceed the general intent of these specifications. <br /> 1.1.5. These specifications have been developed by Specialty Vehicle Services, LLC. <br /> ("SVS") under contract with the city. <br /> 1.1.6. If any of the equipment proposed varies from the specifications, such variation(s) <br /> must be listed in writing and attached as part of the proposal. If a deviation(s) list <br /> is not complete or if the information furnished does not substantiate that the <br /> proposal requirements are met, it may be cause for proposal rejection. <br /> 1.2. Brand Names <br /> 1.2.1. Any reference to a specific manufacturer or make or model of product not followed <br /> by"or equivalent"or"or equal"may not be substituted. The particulars listed within <br /> this specification shall be considered minimal, and the vendor is expected to <br /> increase them where necessary to meet or exceed the general intent. <br /> 1.3. Manuals and Documentation <br /> 1.3.1. The following shall be provided for each unit at the time the equipment is delivered: <br /> Two (2) each operator's manuals for the chassis, body, generator and each <br /> component installed. <br /> One(1) line set for chassis. <br /> City of Pleasanton Outreach Vehicle Specifications(Version 1.1) Page 2 of 23 <br />