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ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK FOR 35 % DESIGN <br /> The specific tasks to be completed and deliverables to be provided by Mark Thomas for the project are outlined below. <br /> Task 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION <br /> Mark Thomas will provide ongoing project management for each task for the duration of the Contract term, which is <br /> assumed to be 8 months. Project management activities will consist of management, administration,coordination, <br /> supervision, project controls, attending meetings, and as follows: <br /> Task 1.1. Project Management and Control <br /> Mark Thomas will supervise, coordinate, and monitor activities and product development for conformance with the <br /> Cities' standards and policies and local ordinances. Prior to the start of any Services, Mark Thomas will interface with <br /> City staff to assure format consistency of deliverables and to facilitate free and timely flow of information for each task <br /> activity. <br /> Mark Thomas will prepare a detailed critical path method (CPM)schedule to reflect plan and progress of Services and to <br /> serve as a master schedule for the Project.The schedule will be updated on a monthly basis to include key milestones <br /> and tasks completed. <br /> Task 1.2. Project Administration/Project Coordination <br /> Mark Thomas will prepare and submit monthly progress reports that will identify work performed on each task in the <br /> preceding month, including percent completed compared to percent billed for each task.The monthly summary will <br /> show total charges made to each task,the Contract budget for each task, reallocated budget amounts, prior billing <br /> amount,current billing,total billed to date,and a total percent billed to date. <br /> Mark Thomas will coordinate planning and design efforts with stakeholders including Caltrans, Livermore Amador Valley <br /> Transit Authority(LAVTA), utility companies, and private property/business owners as required.This includes design <br /> reviews and integration of adjacent public agency and third-party utility company designs for incorporation into the <br /> project design as appropriate. <br /> Task 1.3. Project Meetings <br /> Mark Thomas will arrange and conduct up to 16 bi-weekly(i.e.,once every two weeks) Project Development Team <br /> (PDT) meetings with project stakeholders as directed by the City which will include general discussion materials and <br /> preparation of agendas and minutes. Mark Thomas will endeavor to prepare and submit all meeting agendas one (1) <br /> week prior to the relevant meeting date and distribute draft meeting minutes for City review within three(3)working <br /> days after each meeting. Final meeting minutes will be distributed to the PDT incorporating relevant comments <br /> received on draft meeting minutes. <br /> Mark Thomas will coordinate and attend up to one (1)coordination meeting with the City staff and project stakeholders <br /> to resolve technical issues.This task also includes preparation of meeting materials(i.e., presentations slides and <br /> exhibits)and attendance at up to three (3) public meetings identified by the City in the REQ, including one(1)virtual <br /> community meeting, and up to one (1) presentation at Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Committee, and City Parks and Rec <br /> Commission meetings, and one (1)City Council Meeting to facilitate discussion and answer questions about the designs. <br /> Preparation of materials and attendance at stakeholder and public meetings in addition to those identified above may <br /> be provided as an additional service. <br /> Task 1.4. Caltrans Encroachment Permit Coordination <br /> Not included in this phase. <br /> Task 1.5. Funding Application Support (Optional Task) <br /> Mark Thomas will evaluate potential funding opportunities for the project and make recommendation on grants to <br /> pursue. Recommendations will be documented in a Funding Recommendations Memorandum. Mark Thomas will <br /> prepare grant applications for up to two(2)funding programs.The applications will be prepared in accordance with the <br /> grant program guidelines and requirements.The documents prepared for the applications will include narratives, <br /> rt <br />
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