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Councilmember Testa advised she also intended to ask for more information about possible one-time <br /> expenses the Reserve Funds can cover. She expressed support for the resolution. <br /> Councilmember Arkin expressed support for the rate increase. She stated rate smoothing seems like a <br /> logical way to return the Reserve Fund's balance to ratepayers but expressed an understanding of the <br /> potentially large costs of SB 1383 implementation. She echoed Councilmember Narum's request for a <br /> list of potential uses of the $3 million in the Reserve Fund. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Balch/Brown to approve the rates for solid waste, recyclable materials, <br /> and organic materials collection for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 as recommended and as noted. Motion <br /> passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Balch, Narum, Testa, Mayor Brown <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> 29. Adopt Resolution No. 22-1318 accepting the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Mid-Term Operating Budget <br /> and Capital Improvement Program <br /> Interim Director of Finance Mahin Shah reported the Council held a Budget Workshop on May 31 and <br /> this update will focus on changes from that meeting. She reported an Operational Budget change was <br /> using $2 million from Rainy Day Fund reserves for the Century House Facility Repair Project, and two <br /> Capital Improvement Program (CIP) changes were increasing the Century House project to $4.6 million <br /> and reducing the skatepark project to $2 million. She reported the CIP changes were made. She <br /> advised the Library Roof Replacement Project bids were significantly lower than expected so the $2 <br /> million from the Rainy Day Fund for the Century House will instead come out of the library project's <br /> budget. <br /> Interim Director of Finance Shah requested the City Council approve both the Operating Budget and <br /> CIP. She presented a list of line item changes to the CIP from the May 31 workshop. <br /> Interim Director of Finance Shah reported the current proposed budget has General Fund reserves of <br /> $41.0 million, equating to 30.7% of the operating budget. She advised the goal is to have this sum <br /> maximized at 30% ($40 million for FY 22/23) with a target of 25% ($33.4 million for FY 22/23). Staff <br /> recommends putting at least the $1 million excess into either a specific project or the CIP reserves for <br /> emerging or unforeseen needs during the year. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum, Interim Director of Finance Shah clarified staff does not <br /> recommend taking money from the Rainy Day Fund but there are a few alternatives if the Council <br /> wishes to go in a different direction. She clarified if you calculate the reserve based on the proposed <br /> budget the reserve will be 29.8%. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Interim Director of Finance Shah clarified the bids for the library's <br /> roof came in the day after the Workshop. Director of Engineering Kirkpatrick clarified the bid was similar <br /> to the City's estimate. He advised the estimate from the consultant seemed extremely high to him but <br /> was validated by a second consultant. He reported the bids came in on June 1 and aligned with the <br /> City's lower estimate. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Director of Engineering Kirkpatrick clarified the job scope grew over time <br /> and advised it is good news the project will cost $2 million less than expected by two consultants. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Interim Director of Finance Shah stated the City's operational <br /> reserve policy is for a range from 20-30% with a goal of 25%. She confirmed the lower end of such a <br /> scale is typically set around an estimate of three months' worth of operating costs. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 8 of 18 June 21,2022 <br />