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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Draft Program EIR Executive Summary <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions ES-5 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/3 - Draft/21480022 Sec00-03 Executive Summary.docx <br />projected water supply deficiency in the City even without implementation of the Housing <br />Element Update. As discussed in this Draft Program EIR, the City is actively exploring <br />alternative water supply options to account for the loss of groundwater supply, such as <br />purchasing additional water from Zone 7, or a groundwater wells rehabilitation project, which <br />would allow it to resume use of local groundwater. Although Zone 7 has sufficient supplies <br />available, because the City is still evaluating options for additional water and has not finalized <br />additional supplies at time of publication of this Draft Program EIR, the potential water supply <br />deficiency is considered significant for the purposes of this analysis. Therefore, although the <br />analysis provided in this Draft Program EIR is conservative, decommissioning all of the City’s <br />ground water supply wells would result in projected water supply that would not be sufficient <br />to accommodate cumulative development and there is no mitigation available to reduce this <br />cumulative impact to a less than significant level. Therefore, this cumulative impact would be <br />significant and unavoidable. <br /> <br />Summary of Project Alternatives <br />Below is a summary of the alternatives to the proposed Housing Element Update considered in <br />Chapter 6, Alternatives to the proposed Housing Element Update. <br />No Project Alternative <br />Under the No Project Alternative, the Housing Element would not be updated with new policies and <br />no zoning or land use designation changes would occur. Future development would be in accordance <br />with the current land use and zoning maps identified in the City of Pleasanton General Plan. The <br />existing Housing Element (2051-2023) plans for an increase of approximately 10,800 new residents <br />and an addition of 3,243 housing units.3 Under this alternative, the current goals, policies, and <br />zoning would remain in place. <br />Alternative 1-Remove Select Industrial and Commercial Sites <br />Alternative 1, Remove Select Industrial and Commercial Sites, would remove some of the <br />industrially/commercially zoned sites from the sites inventory list. Industrial zoned land, and <br />commercially zoned sites that allow for service commercial uses such as auto repair, is limited <br />throughout the city, so this alternative aims to preserve the existing zoning on those properties. <br />Some retail commercial sites are also excluded from this alternative, to reflect community concerns <br />about loss of local-serving retail. This alternative would result in a maximum development potential <br />of 5,065 units in addition to the existing residential zoning (2,792 units) for a total of 7,857 unit. <br />Alternative 2-Transit-Oriented Focus Alternative <br />Alternative 2, Transit-Oriented Focus, would focus on sites in proximity to transit for rezoning to <br />residential use. This alternative would remove the higher VMT sites as potential sites for rezoning <br /> <br />3 City of Pleasanton. 2014. Housing Element (2015-2023), Appendix A: Review and Assessment of 2007 Housing Element. June. <br />Website: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ <br />2014.pdf. Accessed: October 17, 2022.