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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Draft Program EIR Executive Summary <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions ES-3 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/3 - Draft/21480022 Sec00-03 Executive Summary.docx <br />housing compliant with State law and consistent with the General Plan. The following are the <br />primary project objectives for the Housing Element Update: <br />• Provide a vision for housing through 2031. <br />• Maintain the existing housing inventory to serve housing needs. <br />• Meet the City’s fair share of the regional housing need to accommodate projected population <br />growth and meet existing housing needs within the City. <br />• Ensure capacity for development of new housing to meet the RHNA at all income levels. <br />• Encourage housing development where supported by existing or planned infrastructure while <br />maintaining existing neighborhood character. <br />• Encourage, develop, and maintain programs and policies to meet existing projected affordable <br />housing needs, including for special needs populations such as persons with disabilities, <br />seniors, the unhoused, and larger households. <br />• Develop a vision for Pleasanton that supports sustainable local, regional, and State housing <br />and environmental goals. <br />• Provide new housing communities with substantial amenities to provide a high quality of life <br />for residents. <br />• Adopt a housing element that complies with California Housing Element Law and can be <br />certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). <br /> <br />Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts <br />The Housing Element Update would result in the following significant unavoidable impacts: <br />• Project-Level Vehicle Miles Traveled: Many of the potential sites for rezoning are located in <br />areas which are expected to generate a home-based VMT per resident above the relevant <br />threshold of significance. Mitigation Measure (MM) TRANS-2 requires individual housing <br />project development proposals that do not screen out from a VMT impact analysis to provide <br />a quantitative VMT analysis and, if results indicate the VMT associated with the individual <br />housing project would be above the threshold, it would be required to include VMT reduction <br />measures as provided in MM TRANS-2. Combining reduction measures reduces their <br />effectiveness resulting in a cap on the total VMT reduction these measures can provide. <br />Because the effectiveness of the measures in reducing an individual development project’s <br />VMT impact to a less than significant level cannot be confirmed in this analysis, the impact <br />would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />• Cumulative Vehicle Miles Traveled: Cumulative projects in the nine-county Bay Area will <br />generate new VMT, which would be added to the roadway network within the geographic <br />context. All cumulative projects would be required to comply with applicable local regulations <br />and General Plan policies that address VMT, as well as mitigate their fair share of impacts <br />related to VMT. Nonetheless, the Housing Element Update, in conjunction with other past,