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City of Pleasanton—City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Draft Program EIR Executive Summary <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions ES-14 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/3 - Draft/21480022 Sec00-03 Executive Summary.docx <br />Impacts Mitigation Measures Level of Significance After Mitigation <br />Impact BIO-4: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments could interfere substantially with the <br />movement of any native resident or migratory fish or <br />wildlife species or with established native resident or <br />migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of wildlife <br />nursery sites. <br />Implement MM BIO-1. Less than significant impact with <br />mitigation incorporated. <br />Impact BIO-5: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not conflict with any local <br />policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, <br />such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance. <br />No mitigation is necessary. Less than significant impact. <br />Impact BIO-6: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not conflict with the provisions <br />of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural <br />Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, <br />regional, or State Habitat Conservation Plan. <br />No mitigation is necessary. No impact. <br />Section 3.4—Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural Resources <br />Impact CUL-1: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not cause a substantial adverse <br />change in the significance of a historical resource <br />pursuant to Section 15064.5. <br />No mitigation is necessary. Less than significant impact. <br />Impact CUL-2: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not cause a substantial adverse <br />change in the significance of an archaeological resource <br />pursuant to Section 15064.5. <br />No mitigation is necessary. Less than significant impact. <br />Impact CUL-3: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not disturb human remains, <br />including those interred outside of formal cemeteries. <br />No mitigation is necessary. Less than significant impact.