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City of Pleasanton—City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Draft Program EIR Executive Summary <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions ES-12 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/3 - Draft/21480022 Sec00-03 Executive Summary.docx <br />Impacts Mitigation Measures Level of Significance After Mitigation <br />Impact AIR-2: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments could result in a cumulatively <br />considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for <br />which the project region is nonattainment under an <br />applicable federal or State ambient air quality standard. <br />Implement MM AIR-1a and MM AIR-1b. Less than significant impact with <br />mitigation incorporated. <br />Impact AIR-3: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General and Specific Plan <br />Amendments could expose sensitive receptors to <br />substantial pollutant concentrations. <br />Implement MM AIR-1b. Less than significant impact with <br />mitigation incorporated. <br />Impact AIR-4: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan and Specific <br />Plan Amendments would not result in other emissions <br />(such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a <br />substantial number of people. <br />No mitigation is necessary. Less than significant impact. <br />Section 3.3—Biological Resources <br />Impact BIO-1: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update, rezonings, General Plan and Specific Plan <br />Amendments could have a substantial adverse effect, <br />either directly or through habitat modifications, on any <br />species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special- <br />status species in local or regional plans, policies, or <br />regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and <br />Wildlife or United States Fish and Wildlife Service. <br />MM BIO-1: Biological Resource Assessment <br />Prior to the issuance of entitlements for a project, applicants or sponsors <br />of projects on sites where potential special-status species, migratory birds, <br />or nesting birds are present (to be determined by a qualified Biologist) <br />shall retain a qualified Biologist/Wetland Regulatory Specialist to prepare <br />a Biological Resource Assessment (BRA). <br /> <br />The BRA shall include a project-specific analysis of potential impacts on all <br />biological resources, including impacts on special-status species and their <br />habitat, migratory birds and other protected nesting birds, roosting bats, <br />rare plants, sensitive communities, protected waters and wetlands <br />(analyze project-specific compliance with Clean Water Act [CWA], Porter- <br />Cologne Water Quality Act, and Fish and Game Code), wildlife corridors <br />and nursery sites. The BRA shall develop and define prescriptive and site- <br />specific measures reducing potential impacts to a less than significant <br />level. These measures shall be included as conditions of approval for <br />building and grading permits issues for demolition and construction. If a <br />water feature is found to be jurisdictional or potentially jurisdictional, the <br />Less than significant impact with <br />mitigation incorporated.