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TREE SPECIES TRUNK HERITAGE CONDITION SUITABILITY COMMENTSNo. DIAMETER TREE?0=deadfor(in.) 1=poorPRESERVATION5=excel.50 English walnut 7,6 No 4 Moderate Codominant trunks @ 1'; okay form.51 Mexican fan palm 20 Yes 5 High 40' clear trunk.52 Valley oak 13,13,12 Yes 3 Low Base embedded in fence; multiple attachments @ base; 13" stem leans S.53 Mexican fan palm 18 Yes 5 High 45' clear trunk.54 Valley oak 11,9 Yes 2 Low Adj. property; codominant trunks @ 3'; bowed flat to E.; poor form & structure.55 Coast redwood 13 No 5 High Typical form & structure; narrow form.56 Coast redwood 17 Yes 5 High Typical form & structure; narrow form. Heritage by height.57 Coast redwood 14 Yes 4 High Typical form & structure; narrow but rangy & thin canopy. Heritage by height.58 Coast redwood 14 Yes 5 High Typical form & structure; narrow form. Heritage by height.59 Coast redwood 12 Yes 5 High Typical form & structure; narrow form; codominant trunks high in crown. Heritage by height.60 Coast redwood 21,18 Yes 4 Moderate Codominant trunks @ 4'; upright.61 Valley oak 27 Yes 3 Moderate Codominant trunks @ 12'; 1 stem vertical; 2nd leans N.; lost central leader.62 Plum 6 No 2 Low Suppressed; codominant trunks @ 6'.63 Valley oak 12 No 2 Low Bowed flat to N.; codominant trunks @ 12'.64 Valley oak 16 No 3 Moderate Codominant trunks @ 15'; bowed NE.; over property line.65 Coast redwood 11 No 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; emerges thru canopy of #66.66 Valley oak 27 Yes 3 Moderate Corrected lean N.; codominant trunks @ 16' & 20'; irregular vase-shaped crown.Tree Assessment 535 Sycamore RoadPleasanton CAFebruary 2018Page 1