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Ordinance No. 2241 <br /> Page 24 of 60 <br /> Section 112.4 is amended to read: <br /> 112.4 Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with <br /> any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install,alter, repair or do work in violation of the <br /> approved construction documents,or directive of the fire code official,or of a permit,or certificate used <br /> under provisions of this code, shall be punished in accordance with the fines and penalties established by <br /> the Pleasanton Municipal Code and/or, as specified by California Government Code, Section 36900. Each <br /> day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. <br /> 20.24.100 CFC Chapter 1,Division II,Section 115 added—Unauthorized Discharges. <br /> Section 115 is added to read: <br /> Unauthorized Discharges.The Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department may charge fees to recover the cost <br /> of response to incidents involving the discharge or the threatened discharge of a hazardous(or suspected <br /> hazardous)material. <br /> 20.24.110 CFC Chapter 2 Definitions amended—Hazardous Materials. <br /> The definition of Hazardous Materials is amended as follows: <br /> HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Those chemicals or substances which are physical hazards or health <br /> hazards as defined and classified in this chapter and/or are compressed gases, whether the materials are in <br /> usable or waste condition. <br /> 20.24.120 CFC Chapter 2 Definitions amended—Health Hazard. <br /> The definition of Health Hazard is amended as follows: <br /> HEALTH HAZARD. A classification of chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence that <br /> acute or chronic health effects are capable of occurring in exposed persons. The term "health hazard" <br /> includes chemicals that are moderately toxic,toxic,highly toxic,or corrosive. <br /> 20.24.130 CFC Chapter 2 Definitions added—Maximum Threshold Quantity <br /> The definition of Maximum Threshold Quantity is added as follows: <br /> MAXIMUM THRESHOLD QUANTITY.The following formula shall be used to calculate the maximum <br /> threshold quantity for toxic,highly toxic,and moderately toxic gases: <br /> Max TQ(lbs)=LC50(ppm)x 2 lb. <br /> For gas mixtures containing one or more toxic, highly toxic or moderately toxic components, the LC50 <br /> shall be calculated using CGA Standards P-20 and P-23. <br /> 20.24.140 CFC Chapter 2 Definitions added—Moderately Toxic Gas <br /> The definition of Moderately Toxic Gas is added as follows: <br /> MODERATELY TOXIC GAS.A chemical or substance that has a medial lethal concentration(LC50)in <br /> air of more than 2,000 parts per million but not more than 5,000 parts per million by volume of gas or vapor, <br />