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for the pitch. He noted the lack of parking and access to Muirwood would cause backup into the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Christine Chiman encouraged the City Council to vote against a cricket pitch at Muirwood, submitting a <br /> petition from neighborhood residents. She noted the Parks and Recreation Commission does not <br /> endorse Muirwood as a viable site. <br /> Cynthia Shon reported the Ken Mercer Sports Park was removed from consideration years ago due to <br /> financial reasons. She advised a league sport like cricket belongs at Ken Mercer Sports Complex. She <br /> noted Ken Mercer Sports Park has better access and parking, creating fewer neighborhood impacts, <br /> and has many bathroom stalls lacking at Muirwood. <br /> Stephen Wallace stated that Muirwood Park is not built for cricket, especially at the adult level. He <br /> expressed concerns about traffic, parking, and safety. He encouraged the City Council to not approve <br /> Muirwood Park for the cricket pitch. <br /> Larry Brazil reported a lack of community notice and input before the Parks and Recreation <br /> Commission meeting to discuss a cricket pitch. He endorsed having a cricket pitch but not at Muirwood. <br /> Lesa Watts Frederick spoke of how much her family enjoys Muirwood Park and does not endorse <br /> having a cricket pitch there. She advised it makes the park unsafe for picnicking, dog walking, and <br /> other activities in the area. She explained it does not have ample parking for players and spectators. <br /> Arsh Desai advised it is his dream to become one of America's greatest cricketers and noted his father <br /> has to drive him to other cities to play. He requested a beautiful cricket ground in Pleasanton. <br /> Nyle Chaudhary advised he loves playing cricket and wants to see more cricket grounds like soccer. <br /> Rushil Shah reported cricket has helped with his mental and physical health, allowing him to make <br /> friends. He explained, as an eighth grader, commuting to neighboring cities to play is becoming a <br /> problem as he gets older and is inconvenient to get to. <br /> Aditya Mane spoke on the time spent commuting a long distance to cricket grounds and called for a <br /> closer cricket pitch in Pleasanton. He advised more kids would be able to play if there was a pitch in <br /> Pleasanton. <br /> Siva Makkena called for a cricket field in Pleasanton, noting the talent level of the local kids. He stated <br /> it would be better for Pleasanton's kids to practice without having to travel to neighboring cities. <br /> Vikrant Vaidhya expressed his support of a cricket field. He expressed hopes it will no longer be a <br /> minority sport. His nine-year-old son noted he hopes to someday play for the United States national <br /> cricket team. He called for a proper cricket to help them achieve their goals. <br /> Maahi Madhavan expressed his passion for cricket as instilled in him by his father. He commended <br /> having a field at Alisal Elementary School but lamented its small size. He called for a larger pitch in the <br /> City so he can continue to play cricket. <br /> Jagath Prabhath called for more cricket fields in Pleasanton to help grow the sport in Pleasanton <br /> through exposure to the game. <br /> Sougata Biswas's daughter spoke of her passion for cricket and called for a cricket pitch to be added <br /> somewhere in the City. She noted Pleasanton's pitch at Alisal Elementary School is both too small and <br /> difficult to access. She stated a cricket pitch would be good for the community. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 18 April 12, 2022 <br />
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