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Councilmember Balch moved to rescind the City Council's prior approval of the project and not proceed <br /> forward with the additional funding. <br /> Councilmember Testa advised she would like to second the motion but noted she also wants to ask <br /> DSRSD to revisit the location and reassess the level of demand. <br /> Councilmember Balch amended the motion to add direction to staff to consider other locations and <br /> options. Councilmember Testa seconded the motion. <br /> Councilmember Balch noted there could also be a good potential site in the City of Livermore. He <br /> advised the other agencies will get the message Pleasanton is not interested in doing this. <br /> Councilmember Testa agreed and noted the City tried to be team players but expressed doubt if any of <br /> the agencies involved were comfortable with this. She noted there was a belief it could be <br /> accomplished at a much lower cost at the onset of the discussions. She explained it is now too <br /> expensive to be reasonable. <br /> Councilmember Arkin expressed support for the motion and apologized to the City's partners. She <br /> advised they need to be pragmatic with this short-term solution. She advised it is too costly for too few <br /> users. She agreed with a discussion to further encourage lawn conversions and perform community <br /> outreach on conservations. She advised she loves the idea behind this project but advised it does not <br /> make sense due to the cost-to-user ratio. <br /> Councilmember Narum expressed concerns about the impact to relationships with the City's regional <br /> partners but advised this proposal is a lot of money for not too many residents. She expressed support <br /> for the motion out of fiscal prudence. She advised using the money to encourage lawn conversion is a <br /> better investment. <br /> Mayor Brown expressed hopes that DSRSD takes a fresh look at the project. She suggested having <br /> one smaller station in each City. She echoed Councilmember Balch's comments about the station only <br /> being open in drought years and stated this point is critical. She advised five years of drought is not <br /> anticipated so they could be paying $589,000 for one or two years of use. She commended the City's <br /> cooperation with its partners but advised this project has grown to be too expensive. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Balch/Testa to rescind the previous agreement, deny the current item, <br /> and direct staff to research if other locations could be considered. Motion passed by the following <br /> vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Balch, Narum, Testa, Mayor Brown <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCIL <br /> Councilmember Arkin requested a proclamation to recognize May as Jewish Heritage Month. Staff <br /> confirmed a request has already been made. <br /> Councilmember Arkin requested an item regarding a possible bond issuance for the City's Capital <br /> Improvement Plan projects. Mayor Brown expressed support but the request failed for lack of a third. <br /> Mayor Brown requested more information on the ambulance situation. She advised they have received <br /> pressure from the JPA and may have to put some pressure on the County Board of Supervisors. She <br /> recommended obtaining a report from the JPA and requested it be brought before the City Council if <br /> City Council Minutes Page 14 of 15 April 19 2022 <br />